Ankia holds a Master’s Degree in Industrial Psychology and has almost 15 years’ experience in this field, especially in Human Resource Development where she was responsible for Training and Development as well as Talent and Performance Management. Apart from being a guest lecturer at Tshwane University of Technology in Witbank, Ankia is also a skilled career counsellor for high school learners. Ankia is a member of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA) as well as the International Association for Cognitive Education in South Africa (IACESA), and is registered at the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA).
But how does it come about that a consultant to big business discovers that she has a passion for children with learning difficulties? Here’s how: in the corporate environment Ankia often had to advise employees who were unfulfilled in their jobs as a result of wrong career choices because of poor performance at school, originating from the false belief that certain subjects were simply too difficult, or that there was no assistance in areas that they had perceived as challenging. This stirred a passion to make a difference in children’s lives before they choose subjects or make career choices; a passion to empower them to follow their dreams and broaden their horizons, knowing that they do have the ability and the skills to reach their full academic potential.
Edublox Middelburg serves the schools in Middelburg CBD, Kanonkop, Dennesig, Mhluzi and Eastdene, as well as schools in the surrounding areas, namely Rietkuil, Pullenshope, Hendrina, Kroonfontein and Arnot.
What Edublox offers
• An assessment of your child’s reading and learning skills.
• Edublox classes aimed at Grade 1 to 10 learners improve concentration, perception, memory, logical thinking, reading speed, spelling ability and reading comprehension.
• Mathblox classes are aimed at Grade 2 to 7 learners and set the foundation for grasping mathematics.
• The Edublox English Language Course is aimed at learners in Grade 3 and older.
• Intensive holiday courses, 1-on-1 courses and the EASY programme for accelerated progress and results.
• Studiblox course on study skills, study methods and study techniques for Grade 4 and older learners.
• School readiness classes for the little ones.
Contact Ankia
Tel: (013) 243-1319
Cell: 084-206-9470
Email: ankia@edublox.com
Address: 34 Coetzee Street, Middelburg
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