Intensive Holiday Courses

intensive-holidayAsk yourself…

* Has your child lost hope in being able to read fluently?

* Does he/she suffer from low self-esteem due to learning failure and/or poor school achievement?

* Is there a possibility that he/she may fail his/her school year?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, our intensive holiday courses, offered in the mornings over 8 – 10 days might be the answer for you!

While there is no ‘quick-fix’ for learning failure and learning difficulties, our intensive holiday courses have proved to accelerate results and will help your child take a giant leap forward!

Results — Intensive Holiday Courses:

The intention of our intensive holiday courses is first and foremost to improve cognitive abilities — attention, visual and auditory processing, memory, et cetera. We use our cognitive abilities to acquire knowledge; they can be considered our tools for learning.

Improvement in concentration

In June 2014, Edublox SA hosted the FUNtastic Brain Clinic in Singapore. The course was offered in conjunction with Mind Edge, a world-class training academy in Asia Pacific. Results of tests done at the Clinic were analysed by the Centre for Evaluation and Assessment (CEA) at the University of Pretoria and revealed a significant increase in concentration. On top of that the effect size is large, which lies beyond what Professor John Hattie calls the ‘hinge point’ or the ‘desired effects point’ in education.

Improvement in memory

For an M.Tech. study at the University of Johannesburg 34 Grade 5, 6 and 7 learners from an inner city school participated in a holiday course. Two subtests of the Visual Perceptual Test (TVPS-3) were used to assess visual memory and visual sequential memory.

The visual and visual sequential memory of the learners improved by 1.5 years.

Increase in IQ

While an IQ score is certainly not the sum of a person’s cognitive abilities, it is one criterion that can be used to compare a person’s cognitive ability to that of the general population.

Ten youngsters with severe learning difficulties were tested on the South African Intelligence Scale before starting a two-week intensive course, and again after receiving 40 hours of one-on-one instruction. Their ages were between 7 and 18.The increases in verbal, non-verbal and full scale IQ were highly significant according to the two-tailed t-test.

  Before After
Verbal IQ Subtests
Vocabulary 7.6 7.9
Comprehension 10.0 10.8
Verbal Reasoning 9.1 10.0
Problems 6.3 6.8
Memory 8.5 10.5
Mean Verbal IQ 85.4 91.0 Increase significant at the 0.001 level
Non-Verbal IQ Subtests
Pattern Completion 8.4 8.7
Block Design 8.2 10.3
Absurdities 9.4 9.6
Form Board 11.1 15.3
Mean Non-Verbal IQ 92.6 105.1 Increase significant at the 0.001 level
MEAN FULL SCALE IQ 87.0 97.1 Increase significant at the 0.001 level


An M.Ed. study by Wynand de Wet has shown that our program increases IQ scores significantly in less than 30 hours and when used in a group. He applied our program to a group of deaf children; their average non-verbal IQ increased by 11.6 points in 27.5 hours of tuition, done over a period of time.

Improved reading skills

As research has shown, enhanced cognitive abilities lead to improved reading, spelling and learning skills. Many reading programs offer to improve reading skills, but only those grounded in cognitive assessment and training achieve the established, long-term results.

Below is the pre- and post ophthalmograph results of one Grade 4 learner who attended a two-week intensive course. Her relative reading efficiency level increased by two and a half years! While not all learners will gain as much, even a one-year gain in reading efficiency can change a child’s life.



After the intensive course, the learner will ideally continue with the weekly Edublox classes or with our online program.

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