Learning Clinic Visits Local School for Mandela Day

meyertonThis article appeared in the Meyerton Ster newspaper in August 2011:

DE DEUR – Vaal Triangle Edublox Reading and Learning Clinic visited De Deur Primary School in Meyerton on July 18.

The initiative was inspired by the 67 minutes for Nelson Mandela Campaign.

Lessons were presented to the Grade R and Grade One learners by franchise owner Marietha Maré.

“The focus was on directionality, memory and concentration,” says Maré. “Sequence exercises help with concentration and memory while auditory exercises help with listening skills.”

To continue the spirit of learning, Edublox shared some exercises with teachers at the school. This will enable them to continue to build on the foundations laid.

“The children enjoyed learning skills that will help them with their reading and school work,” explained Maré.

They sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Madiba and at the end of the session, sweets were handed out. For more information, contact Marietha on 082 789 5238 or email: marietha@edublox.com.

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