Overcoming Dyslexia
Most problems can only be solved if one knows what causes the problem. A disease such as scurvy claimed the lives of thousands of seamen during long sea voyages. The disease was cured fairly quickly once the cause was discovered, viz. a Vitamin C deficiency. A viable point of departure would therefore be to ask the question, "What is the cause of dyslexia?"
Read MoreOvercoming a Learning Disability
Branden Brooks is a prime example of a learner who seemed to have no hope of achieving academic success; to such a degree that his school even suggested he be sent to a special needs school. Yet within a year Branden had progressed from a child who was failing the year to a child achieving between a 60 – 80% average!
Read MoreHow to Get Your Letters In Line: Researcher Devises Programme for Dyslexics
A learning method, that has been developed by a South African educationist over the past thirty years, is nowadays helping children all over the world to escape from the debilitating grip of dyslexia.
Read MoreDyslexia — Article in New Horizons
When in the fifties, the term “dyslexia” came to be widely used to describe normal children who had learning disabilities akin to those who suffered brain damage, it was seized on with relief by parents and teachers alike. The idea that it was only a matter of time before its cause could be isolated and a fix-it drug developed, seemed soothingly feasible.
Read MoreDyslexia: New Treatment, New Hope
Why many intelligent children should suffer seeming 'word blindness' has baffled and frustrated parents and professionals in many fields throughout this century. Is there, at last, some light at the end of the tunnel? HILARY BASSETT investigates.
Read MoreComing to Grips with Problems of Dyslexia
The problems of dyslexic people are little known and even less understood ― even by sufferers themselves. According to some educationalists, there is no such thing as dyslexia, but for many children and adults who despair of ever being able to read or write, the issue is very real indeed.
Read MoreOvercoming Dyslexia
Imagine not being able to read. Your academic career would not venture further than high school, seriously hampering your chances of ever working your way up in the world. You could never apply for a job without assistance, being incapable of filling in an application form. You couldn’t write to friends, read for pleasure or simply read road signs and maps on long journeys. In essence, you would be severely disabled in a reading world.
Read MoreDyslexia Breakthrough
A program, which solves children’s spelling and reading problems has been devised by a Pretoria educationist, Dr Jan Strydom. Dr Strydom “completely by accident” stumbled on to this educational treatment which involves placing coloured blocks in various complicated sequences.
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