From: Shireen Daniels [mailto:shireendaniels1@….]
Sent: 25 November 2014 11:53 AM
To: Edublox Claremont
Subject: Imaad Daniels
As requested please, find my motivation for Imaad Daniels:
As a single mom I did my best to try and give my children the best education I could afford. I believe the school Imaad attends is a very good school in this aspect. However, some children just need extra help and support academically.
Imaad tried his best throughout the foundation phase of his schooling, and I, being pedantic about him doing well, was quite the military sergeant. At times my efforts paid off and in other scenarios he did okay. I then realized that perhaps Imaad wasn’t academically strong and I was at wits ends in finding ways to try and help him.
I was then referred to Edublox my a family member. I took him for the assessment and we agreed to give this a go… I had to plan for high school and take into account all possibilities that interested him. I wanted an immediate and quick result and thought Edublox would give that to him. Imaad joined Edublox in May and I then realized that this was going to be a slow process. He loves the Friday afternoon classes and looks forward to going every Friday.
I’ve seen the change in Imaad. He is starting to think differently and its an amazing journey that he is on. Imaad has always been a good reader, however, understanding what he reads was his challenge….and honestly the biggest frustration I had with him. I find him focusing better and comprehending his reading material. His September report is one of great improvement; I am absolutely proud of him. He is more focused and concentrates better. His teacher too gave positive feedback at the report hand out in September. He has become more confident as well.
He is setting the bar high for himself and as much as I understand that there will be dips, I have Edublox to support both of us during his schooling career.
Thank You for the support you have given Imaad thus far.
Kind regards
Shireen Daniels