Poor Readers



Understanding Reading Problems in Children

How does one identify a reading problem? How many children have reading problems? What causes reading problems? You say poor cognitive skills are responsible for reading problems. What cognitive skills are you referring to? My child reads well yet lacks comprehension. Why? What can parents do to help their children? How can Edublox help?

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School Need Not Be a Nightmare

Dumb, stupid. Definitely two of the most repugnant words in the English language; words that ought to be regarded as swear words! Still, that is how children label themselves when they experience school as a nightmare.

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Rev Up for Reading

How does your child fare with reading? It’s one of the first skills taught at school and has far-reaching consequences throughout your child’s life.

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Poor Readers Face Learning Difficulties

The PIRLS 2006 study compared the reading abilities of children in 40 countries. South Africa came last, after Morocco. Only 13% of our Grade 4 learners reached the lowest benchmark compared to 94% of learners internationally; only 1% achieved the advanced benchmark, compared to 7% internationally.

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Building on Reading

When two Cape Town mothers, Kashiefa Gallie and Rebecca Felix, learned that their children had reading difficulties, they went into panic mode. Although they came from different parts of the city, Lansdowne and Crawford respectively, they knew that reading was a critical skill for children to master at the foundation phase.

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New Hope for Slow Readers

Despite having adequate intelligence and opportunity, many children show great disparity between their verbal skills and learning ability. These children, often regarded as 'learning disabled', are now being offered new hope...

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Hope for Slow Readers

When last year teachers told Gail Lawson of Northdene that her daughter Jennifer's reading was "quite slow" for Class Two she didn't think much of it. But a few months later when she volunteered to become a "reading mother" at the school after being retrenched, she realised Jenny did have a real problem.

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