Help for Children with Learning Difficulties
In modern Western society mastery of basic academic skills — reading, writing and arithmetic — is a necessary prerequisite for success in both school and employment settings and society at large. However, due to learning difficulties, the futures of many children are put in jeopardy.
Read MoreOvercoming Learning Failure
Our research has consistently shown that if children do not learn to understand language, to read and write, to calculate and reason mathematically, to solve problems, and to communicate their ideas and perspectives, their opportunities for a fulfilling and rewarding life are seriously compromised.
Read MoreThe Real Price of Not Addressing Your Child’s Learning Problems
Failing or delaying to address a child’s learning difficulties has far-reaching implications for both parents and children alike. Edublox reading, maths and learning clinic warns that the real cost of withholding learning intervention programmes from children with learning difficulties should not be underestimated.
Read MoreVideo: Overcoming a Reading and Learning Disability
While there is no ‘quick-fix’ for learning failure and learning difficulties, our intensive 1-on-1 course has proved to accelerate results and will help your child take a giant leap forward! The duration of the course is 10 days, and is offered from Monday – Friday, daily from 08h00 – 13h30.
Read MoreTraditional versus Technological: Tech Solutions Won’t Solve Learning Problems
There’s no doubt that technology is a valuable tool for learning and there are many associated educational benefits, but teachers and parents should be careful to introduce technology as a learning tool at the right time and place according to a child’s needs and ability.
Read MorePoor Readers Face Learning Difficulties
The PIRLS 2006 study compared the reading abilities of children in 40 countries. South Africa came last, after Morocco. Only 13% of our Grade 4 learners reached the lowest benchmark compared to 94% of learners internationally; only 1% achieved the advanced benchmark, compared to 7% internationally.
Read MoreDisabled (10) Learns to Read and Write in 60 Days
“Mom, why can't I read?” Sonja Conradie (10) wanted to know after hearing her younger sister, Marna (9), read and seeing her write. Sonja, who suffered brain damage after contracting meningitis and encephalitis as a baby...
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