Dyslexia Causes



Dyslexia: Symptoms, Signs, Causes and a Solution

What is dyslexia? What are the symptoms and signs of this learning disorder? What are the causes, and is there a solution? Edublox investigates.

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Help, My Child Has Dyslexia (Part 5)

No one can ever prepare a parent for two things: the immeasurable love that comes with having a child; and the sorrow and confusion that comes when your child appears to learn in a different way from other children. Knowing that literacy is key to success in both school and employment settings and society at large, can fill a parent with fear.

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Dyslexia: Is the Shoe Perhaps on the Wrong Foot?

Reading is the most important skill that a child must acquire at school, because one must learn to read to be able to read to learn. The implication of this is that the child who is a poor reader will usually also be a poor learner.

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New Research May Change the Face of Dyslexia

What do Richard Branson and Tom Cruise have in common besides being famous? They were diagnosed with dyslexia and found the strength to overcome the adversities with which they were faced. Most people, however, do not triumph over their dyslexia...

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New Research May Change the Face of Dyslexia

According to popular belief dyslexia is a neurological disorder in the brain which causes information to be processed and interpreted differently, resulting in reading difficulties. Historically, the dyslexia label has been assigned to learners who are bright, even verbally articulate, but who struggle with reading...

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New Research May Change the Face of Dyslexia

According to popular belief dyslexia is a neurological disorder in the brain which causes information to be processed and interpreted differently, resulting in reading difficulties. However, this notion has recently been challenged by neuroscientist John D. E. Gabrieli...

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There Are Ways to Beat Dyslexia

Reading and learning work hand in hard and are the two things that determine a child’s school career. Poor reading skills result in poor learning skills. This has become a reality for an alarming number of children.

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Dyslexia — Article in New Horizons

When in the fifties, the term “dyslexia” came to be widely used to describe normal children who had learning disabilities akin to those who suffered brain damage, it was seized on with relief by parents and teachers alike. The idea that it was only a matter of time before its cause could be isolated and a fix-it drug developed, seemed soothingly feasible.

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