We as the parents of Pieter van Ellewee realised very early in his life that he had a learning difficulty. He reversed his words and letters. At the age of 5 he could not fasten or unfasten the buttons of his shirt. He could not tie his shoe laces. He could not cut out patterns with scissors and could not walk on a row of bricks. In other words he had a balance problem. With everything he was below the expectation for his age. An occupational therapist tested his aptitudes. Her finding was that Pieter was dyslexic and that he would not be able to cope in a mainstream school, but would have to go to a “special school.”
By accident we heard of Dr Jan Strydom and Audiblox. Pieter attended Audiblox classes for 2 years. The result was astonishing! At the age of 7 Pieter went to a mainsteam school and not to a special school.
Pieter is now 21. He passed Matric with university exemption. He has already completed 2 years of his LLB studies. At present he is doing his third year at Unisa and works full time as an administrative manager. He sailed through his manager training course. We are convinced that Pieter would not have done as well in school, university and in his work had he not done Audiblox.
Thank you once again.
Danie and Dane van Ellewee