From: Nadia.Fakier@al…
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 7:33 AM
To: Zainu Allie
Even though Thaabit is only in Grade 1, he was struggling to concentrate in class. No matter how much one-on-one time you tried to make for him – you always ‘lost’ him. His 2nd term report got me a bit worried because I knew by now he should be reading a bit at least and this was not happening. He felt demotivated and would cry because he was FRUSTRATED that he could not get things right.
I first took him for a eye test. We established that his eye sight was really weak and then he got his first pair of spectacles before the 3rd term started.
I decided to enrol him at EDUBLOX because of a referral, and I felt that since he was ‘disadvantaged’ for the last 6 months that I needed to do something to help him. It is almost 2 months and his vocabulary has improved. When 7de laan comes on or any other advert on TV he can identify some words. He’s reading at school and I can see an improvement in his attitude when taking on a task i.e. confidence.
He LOVES coming to his extra classes at Edublox every Saturday. Thank You Edublox.
Nadia Fakier