Turning Losers Into WINNERS!

WinnerThe letter below, translated from Afrikaans, was received from Mrs F Noeth, a teacher. Natasha Schreuder, one of her learners, had severe learning problems and had already been earmarked for special education the following year:

Natasha was a pupil in my class from Grade 1 until the end of Grade 2. Her progress, however, was not satisfactory and she showed signs of Petit Mal. She underwent numerous tests, which indicated that she had a so-called cerebral dysfunction.

A didactic aid program was immediately implemented and after I had attended an Audiblox training course, I promptly started her on the program in September. After 6 months there was remarkable improvement and after one year her progress was incredible, to such an extent that we again referred her to a school psychologist to verify that our conclusions were indeed correct. It was quite unbelievable when the school psychologist phoned me to report that Natasha’s progress shows that in nine months she had improved as follows:

Date: Reading speed: Graded reading: Spelling:
23/03 Gr 1, 4th term Gr 1, 3rd term Gr 1, 2nd term
04/12 Gr 3, 1st term Gr 3, 2nd term Gr 3, 4th term**


One must keep in mind that this child is in Grade 2.

What I find most pleasing of all is that this child, who had no self-confidence and no courage, is now able to handle situations with such self-assurance, and even to take the lead in class; she has undergone a complete personality change! For me as teacher it was very moving to see this child now being able to LIVE!

With this I also want to give my thanks to our Heavenly Father, without Whom this progress would not have been possible.

Our thanks also to the Centre for Dyslexia for an outstanding program, and especially to Dr Strydom. You turn losers into WINNERS!

Natasha is such a WINNER!

With thanks from the ranks of the teachers.

Mrs F Noeth


** Note that the first test was done 3 months after starting with Audiblox and the retest 9 months later.

Mrs F Noeth Natasha's teacher

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