Shane’s teacher picked up last year that he was struggling. He was assessed by an educational psychologist and found to have possibly dyslexia and ADHD. They advised that he should go to a remedial school. We decided to keep him back in grade 1 at Eversdal and send him to Edublox.
Shane’s reading has improved immensely. He understands mathematical concepts so much better. He is much quicker at working through sums and problems.
Shane can still be a bit slow at grasping new concepts initially. Once he understands concepts he is able to work through them properly and systematically.
I would like to add, what a live saver we believe Edublox has been for Shane. We were at our wits end last year when we realized he was struggling. After a battery of tests and therapy we found Edublox to be our best hope.
The turnaround since he started this year has been unbelievable. Shane has worked very hard and is reaping the benefits. Thanks a lot to your awesome program.
Owen Bell
Shane’s 2015 report:
SCALE: 7. Outstanding achievement – 80 – 100% 6. Meritorious achievement – 70 – 79% 5. Substantial achievement – 60 – 69% 4. Adequate achievement – 50 – 59% 3. Moderate achievement – 40 – 49% 2. Elementary achievement – 30 – 39% 1. Not achieved - 0–29%