The Turning Point for Dylan

Dylan Woodcock

Dylan was having great difficulty reading and spelling and in turn this affected his confidence and the power to believe in himself. It got to the stage where Dylan did not want to go to school and homework reading was like reading “morse code”.

Dylan’s Grandma came home the one afternoon with a pamphlet for Edublox reading and learning clinic. This was the turning point for Dylan, and he never looked back. Within a short space of time we noticed a difference in his reading. His reading became more fluid. As Dylan progressed his confidence grew and his school teacher became aware of the change in him. The teacher passed a comment at a parents’ evening that he was the first child to put up their hand when asked questions. This made me very proud as a parent to know that help was being given.

Thanks to Marj and Edublox I’ve been able to give my son the knowledge of reading and learning and this for me is like giving love. I am so grateful for all the time and attention that she gives to her students.

Dylan’s mother

Mrs Woodcock Dylan's mother

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