The Doctor Couldn’t Believe the Improvement in His Reading

Feedback.3185717_stdSent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 8:58 PM
Subject: A big thank you

Dear Nicolene

I recently took my son to the neurologist for his 6 monthly checkup. The doctor could not believe the vast improvement in my son’s reading, he commented on how Dave read with confidence and how much his reading speed has improved. I was over the moon as we have not been with you for very long but can already see results! Dave was at another reading school on the West Rand before for more or less a year and a half and showed very little improvement.

A big thank you to you and your team, I think your results stem from your understanding nature, patience and dedication. These qualities are very important as an ADHD child needs extra attention as it quote hard for them to focus.

Keep up the good work! Please relate my satisfaction and joy to your team.


A very proud and happy mommy

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Proud and Happy Mommy Dave's mother

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