Teacher Had Never Experienced that Rapid Improvement

From: Inonge Khabele-Stevens <inonge.ks@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: Audiblox certification question
To: Edublox PTA East <susan@edublox.com>

The first time we noticed our daughter was having learning problems was in pre-kindergarten. Her teacher strongly recommended that she repeat pre-k but my husband and I insisted on her not being held back. I knew that she was of above average intelligence and had a gift for drawing and making things with her hands. Call me crazy, but I’ve always believed that for every problem, there is a solution and I’ve also always questioned conventional wisdom.

I searched online for a couple of days for solutions to dyslexia and that’s when I (thankfully) stumbled upon the Audiblox website.

After reading every page and watching every video, I ordered it and got started with our daughter immediately.

After the first week of lessons, she came home happier than she’d been in a long time and hugged and kissed me. “Mommy! Thank you for Audiblox. It’s helping me finish my work at school!”

The end of the second week, I dropped her off in her classroom. Her teacher broke away for a parent she was talking to and ran after me down the hallway. She was so excited that she could barely speak. She’d never before experienced that rapid improvement.

Our daughter is doing wonderfully in school. She’s confident and helping other struggling students. She’s a voracious reader (reads with expression) and loves to write as well.

I recommend Audiblox to everyone I know, and as a teacher recommended it to the parents of my struggling students and used some of the exercises in class. I had great results, as did the parents who used it a home.

It has been a Godsend!

Inonge Khabele-Stevens
Austin, TX
Artist & Entrepreneur

Inonge Khabele-Stevens Mother in Austin, Texas

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