Dear Monique,
I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to Edublox and all of its teachers for the time and support towards my daughter, Daniela.
My daughter was struggling with her spelling, reading and comprehension. She would barely pass her spelling tests for English and Afrikaans. With her reading, she would frequently confuse words, substitute words or mix-up her ‘b’ with the ‘d’ and vice versa. And because both of these areas were poor, naturally, her comprehension abilities suffered as well. She often did not pass her comprehension tests and for her school reports, she got “not achieved” to “moderate achievement” for her comprehension.
This caused Daniela to lack confidence and was not interested in her school work. She would avoid reading at all costs, it didn’t matter how much I encouraged her or how much I sat with her or how many books I bought her, she just did not have the drive to read. As a parent, this was a huge concern, as reading affected all her school work and it is an essential part of one’s life.
I investigated Edublox, after being advised by a friend, and saw the potential that Edublox could have on Daniela. She started with Edublox in August 2015 (Grade 5). Even though it was a short time from August 2015 to the end of the scholastic year, I saw a change in Daniela and her overall marks. She was more keen to work through her homework and studying. Her English mark improved from 55% to 63%.
I am now pleased to tell you that Daniela received an “Academic Achiever” badge during the 1st half of 2016, for having improved so much in schoolwork. Her marks shot-up to: English 73% and Afrikaans 72% and overall 75% average for all her subjects.
Another problem area, that I did not think was affected by Daniela’s reading, was her handwriting. We had endless battles, her and I, on how untidy and incomplete her formation of letters was. But since having attended Edublox, her handwriting has improved dramatically and is being neat in her school workbooks.
She has become more confident, takes pride and is more self-assured in her schoolwork now. Reading a book has now become one of her favourite hobbies. Whenever or wherever possible, you will find her reading.
Thank you for the excellent program at Edublox.
Cristina Pretorius,
26 July 2016