Hi Susan
Just want to let you know that Cathy* is coping so well in her Gr 6 year. It is so amazing to see how responsible she has become with her homework, class work and studying for tests. I rarely have to check on her and her marks have improved beautifully. She has written two English tests in the last few weeks. I can’t recall the exact mark of the 1st, but it was in the 70 – 75% region and it was a comprehension test! Cathy was so thrilled! Of course, so were we. (Happy dance!) Her most recent English test was over 80% and she had the 4th highest mark in the class, if I recall what Cathy told me. That doesn’t matter to me. The fact that she has become so comfortable at school, with so much confidence and consistently improving, is an answer to prayer, but Edublox had a major part to play in her improvement.
Her Maths has also improved. We’ve seen various test results of 70 – 85%. Recently she came home despondent about a maths test. When I asked her what it was, she told me 68%. I was stunned that it upset her so much, then hearing her talk, I realised that she has set her own standards for herself and goals to achieve. I think that is quite remarkable for a young girl of 12 who had once struggled academically. Her goal is to be called on stage at the school awards to be given a certificate for her academics even if it is just the Effort Award for her grade 6 year. She got that in 2013 for Gr 5 and it meant SO much to her.
Cathy’s Gr 6 teacher has the kids on an English comprehension program. They need to do a certain amount at a time and pass those to move to a higher level. There is no pressure involved here. It’s merely a fun system of improving their comprehension skills. Cathy is loving it and constantly strives to do better and to get to a higher level.
Just wanted to let you know how she is doing.
* Not her real name.