The case study below was submitted by Mrs. Hester Willies, remedial teacher at Kaffrarian High for Girls. She used Audiblox to help Susan Richards (not her real name), a Grade 4 pupil. They started at the beginning of the school year. Mrs. Willies wrote:
Susan’s spelling was poor. She made the following typical errors:
- Omitted sounds;
- Wrote phonetically and did not use visual memory skills;
- b/d confusions;
- Sequence of letters niose/noise;
- Addition of letters darnsing/dancing.
At the end of the school year Mrs. Willies reported:
- She uses visual memory skills much more frequent;
- Makes no more reversal mistakes;
- During reading she still guesses at words: required/request, shy/sky, rescue/research, without using contextual clues or systematic decoding;
- Her spelling is now on par with her grade, but Susan enjoys Audiblox so much that she is determined to continue with it.
- In view of the fact that her reading still lags behind Audiblox will continue. (NOTE: According to the attached scores, Susan still scored slightly below grade level for “Word Recognition,” below grade level for “Prose Loud Read” and above grade level for “Loud Read Comprehension.”)