Case Study: Spelling Now On Par With Her Grade

Case studyThe case study below was submitted by Mrs. Hester Willies, remedial teacher at Kaffrarian High for Girls. She used Audiblox to help Susan Richards (not her real name), a Grade 4 pupil. They started at the beginning of the school year. Mrs. Willies wrote:

Susan’s spelling was poor. She made the following typical errors:

  • Omitted sounds;
  • Wrote phonetically and did not use visual memory skills;
  • b/d confusions;
  • Sequence of letters niose/noise;
  • Addition of letters darnsing/dancing.

At the end of the school year Mrs. Willies reported:

  • She uses visual memory skills much more frequent;
  • Makes no more reversal mistakes;
  • During reading she still guesses at words: required/request, shy/sky, rescue/research, without using contextual clues or systematic decoding;
  • Her spelling is now on par with her grade, but Susan enjoys Audiblox so much that she is determined to continue with it.
  • In view of the fact that her reading still lags behind Audiblox will continue. (NOTE: According to the attached scores, Susan still scored slightly below grade level for “Word Recognition,” below grade level for “Prose Loud Read” and above grade level for “Loud Read Comprehension.”)


Mrs. Hester Willies Remedial teacher

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