190 Short Testimonials, English and Afrikaans (Part 1)

Mr Monareng, 17 November 2016:


G R van der Merwe, Bloemfontein, 8 November 2016:


Ofentse Rapoo, Randburg, 18 October 2016: 

Moagi’s teacher was raving about his improvement during our last 1 on 1 and she asked for details so that she can recommend the programme to some parents in her class. Moagi is now working independently, his reading and confidence has improved a lot since Edublox. He gets 10/10 every week on his spelling tests, and brags every week that he’s a super speller when he gets into the car!

So once again… know that I appreciate all you ladies do from the bottom of my heart! Thank you.

Me P Dique, 13 Oktober 2016:


Elmien Kruger, 26 Augustus 2016:

Franco is nou vir byna 2 jaar besig met Edublox en die vordering wat hy toon, is van onskatbare waarde.  Inteendeel, ek gaan so ver om te sê dat as daar net een ‘terapie’ is wat ek moet aanbeveel, sal dit Edublox wees!  Die werk wat julle met die kinders doen is ongelooflik. Die tyd het egter aangebreek vir ons om Edublox vir eers te groet… Dit was ‘n heerlike, positiewe reis saam met julle by Edublox en ons gaan julle beslis mis!

Mamokete Sihlangu, 8 August 2016:

My daughter Karabo had a poor memory, she could not read and struggled with numeracy. She started with classes in 2015.

But now, what an excellent improvement. She can remember words, dates and almost everything. Her reading has improved, and she can count. Even her teacher commented that she has improved a lot.

I recommend Edublox because it builds up self-confidence, and the method of improving memory and concentration is working.

Thank you Edublox Teachers for your efforts and hard work.

Elize Kruger, 4 August 2016:

Christo had a bumpy start in primary school, struggling with reading and writing. After numerous interactions, therapy, programmes etc. he was still regularly alternating his “b” and “d”. Thus we enrolled him at Edublox early in his Gr. 6 year.

Using the wrong “b” or “d” has now become the exception! This is a big victory! Preparing for spelling tests is now a breeze compared to 18 months ago. He would get all 20 words correct in two rounds of practice versus multiple efforts previously. His self-confidence has improved vastly, and a love for reading has kicked in after notable resistance in the past.

Edublox helped Christo to address those nagging problems that kept his self-esteem low. Now he has started to excel in schoolwork and feels so proud of himself. It was worth the time and money.

Ilze van Niekerk, Potchefstroom, 27 Julie 2016:

Ons is baie tevrede met Pieter se rapport. Sy Wiskunde het met 15% verbeter en so ook Natuurwetenskappe en Tegnologie. Na die studiemetode kursus was Pieter baie gemotiveerd en het hy sy werk self opgesom en geleer.

Baie dankie aan Edublox vir al die hulp.

LS Mooirivier

Surita Volland, 23 July 2016:

Gerhard had problems with spelling, comprehension and reading. Since enrolling at Edublox there has been a huge improvement in his spelling. He got 24/25 for two spelling tests in a row. He now reads the billboards for the first time. Most importantly, his self-confidence has improved.

Jenna 2Claudia Sephton, 15 July 2016:

We enrolled Jenna at Edublox because she had to repeat Gr. 2.

Jenna has improved all round. Her concentration, listening skills, reading and school work has improved in leaps and bounds. She is a lot more attentive.

For any parent who really wants to equip their child for the years ahead in their school career, Edublox is that tool.


 7. Outstanding achievement – 80 – 100% 
 6. Meritorious achievement – 70 – 79% 
 5. Substantial achievement – 60 – 69%
 4. Adequate achievement – 50 – 59% 
 3. Moderate achievement – 40 – 49% 
 2. Elementary achievement – 30 – 39% 
 1. Not achieved - 0–29%

darren-1Darren Waspe’s mother wrote, 30 September 2015:

Darren could no consistently interpret sounds when reading and his reading tempo was also below average at plus minus 18 words per minute. Comprehension of reading and providing answers correctly required improvement.

Darren became much more confident in doing his homework tasks after starting with Edublox. His reading greatly improved with plus minus 40 words per minute as well as reading multiple syllables. He now speaks more clearly, and there has been an all-round improvement in his schoolwork.

Darren still struggles with auditory discrimination, spelling of new unfamiliar words and comprehension.

Verbetering in handskrif:


Ina Taute, Polokwane, 24 Desember 2014:

Afrikaans, Engels en Wiskunde punte het van die eerste na die vierde kwartaal verbeter van 47 tot 60%, 46 tot 52% en 47 tot 74%. Ook LWO het verbeter van 48 tot 71%. Sy selfvertroue in die algemeen het verbeter en hy is nou ook trots om sy punte te vertel.


Rika van Zyl, 10 Oktober 2013:

Ek wil jou maar net so stukkie terugvoer gee aangaande Nicole (Gr 8). Sy is nou van verlede kwartaal af by julle (van ons haar rapport gekry het) – sy het op daardie rapport 4 vakke gedruip. Sy het pas haar nuwe rapport gekry: sy is al haar vakke deur en haar gemiddeld het met ±5% gestyg!

Francois van Aardt, Leerder:


Berveline Ismail, 18 November 2010:


Emile Struwig, Leerder:


D C Thaker, Dubai, 11 November 2010:

I am happy to inform you that Rajat (my son) has made considerable progress with Audiblox. His reversals have almost disappeared and his attention span has also increased more than before, though that’s an area that needs to be worked on more and we will continue to make him work with Audiblox. Thanks a lot for your help and input.

Wendy, 21 October 2010:

I was very excited to read about your internet site. I’m a mother who used Audiblox for our daughters 17 years ago and really had great success with it. We were told that neither of them would be able to complete school and would probably have to leave after Std 8. Well, with lots of prayers and Audiblox they both passed matric, each with 1 distinction…

Mrs B Pell, Huntersville, USA:

I live in Huntersville, NC, and a woman came, with her daughter, and spoke to my homeschool group about Audiblox 5 years ago. I purchased it and used it on my daughter who was nearly 8. I saw amazing results. I worked with her 6 days/week all fall and then added some phonics instruction after Christmas. In June of 2003, pre-Audiblox her standardized test score for “letter-word identification” was 2.9 (or second grade, ninth month). We did not begin Audiblox until October and by June of 2004 her “letter-word identification” was 6.7 (or sixth grade, seventh month). This was an amazing nearly 4 year improvement with only 9 months of work. She has since been a wonderful reader.

Phyllis Kariuki, Kenya:

The boy did his mid-term test so well he was rewarded the most improved child in his class. He scored 433 marks out of 500 where he used to score less than 350. He is so happy with his results and he is very confident that he will still perform well in the end of year exam.

Karen van Tonder, Parent:

My eldest daughter Bernice (14 years) had reading and writing problems in Grade 1 and Grade 2. From Grade 3 (2002) we helped her with Audiblox and also asked one of our friends to do this with her twice a week after school. This improved her marks tremendously and she is much happier. Each year from Grade 3 she has been improving. From Grade 4 up to now she has received academic awards each year. Because of this we also did Audiblox with my youngest daughter — since Grade 00. (5 years). She also received academic awards in Grade 1 and Grade 2.

Mev M Mostert, Ouer, 2008:

Leesvermoë bepaal ‘n mens se vordering in elke vak, beïnvloed mens se persoonlikheidsontwikkeling, die keuse van ‘n beroep en die genot wat ‘n mens ondervind in die leesstof wat jy reeds kan lees. Ons het Christiaan ingeskryf om sy leesvaardighede optimaal te ontwikkel.

Christiaan lees nou met baie meer insig en begrip. Sy herkenningspan het goed verbeter en hy lees nou vinniger. Hy is baie lief vir lees en lees op die oomblik elke fietsry tydskrif wat hy in die hande kan kry, beide in Afrikaans en Engels.

Ilze Nel, epos ontvang, 6 Februarie 2008:

As u die boodskap aan Prof Strydom kan gee sal ek baie dankbaar wees. Ek het baie jare terug die Audiblox program gehad toe dit nog op kasset(tape) was en my ma met my moes sit om die boekies in te kleur, en so aan en dan weg te pos na die Prof toe. Vandag het ek ‘n honneurs graad deur die Universiteit van Stellenbosch in Inligting en Kennisbestuur.

Baie dankie Prof Strydom, u program het bygedra tot die feit dat ek vandag ‘n beroepsvrou is en goed kan vaar in alle uitdagings.

K., USA, 14 December 2007:

I thought you’d appreciate a little update. We’ve only been following the program to get our son’s language back for about 6 weeks now. Everyone who knows our son has been telling us how much they’ve noticed how his speech has improved. Everyone is amazed at how quickly he’s improved and they want to know what we’re doing differently. Even the speech therapist is impressed with the results we’re seeing. He is using longer and longer sentences to communicate what he wants or needs. Thank you again for sending me the instructions, it has made a tremendous difference! We will keep at it until his language catches up with his reading ability.

Mev H Bierman, Ouer, 2007:

Marné kon glad nie lees voordat ek haar by Edublox ingeskryf het nie. Omruilings het voorgekom (p, d, b) en sy het net die eerste letter van ‘n woord gesien en dan haar eie woord opgemaak. Die en ‘n is ook omgeruil. Marné het ook agteruit geskryf, letters in ‘n woord uitgelos en baie stadig geskryf. Sy het nooit van lees gehou nie, omdat sy so gesukkel het. Sy het ook baie gesukkel met spelling.

Omruilings is baie minder en sy konsentreer beter. Sy is nou baie opgewonde om boeke uit te neem om te lees en lees baie meer gereeld. Sy skryf ook glad nie meer agteruit nie en baie netjieser. Alhoewel sy nog woord vir woord lees, verstaan sy nou wat sy lees. Spel het verbeter.

Mrs D Duff, Teacher and Parent, USA:

I am a big fan of your program. I purchased a kit many years ago for my daughter and saw the miracles this program can work. As a former SpEd teacher and parent, I am amazed that more schools have not picked up this and tried it. I am writing to inquire if you have any research or data on Audiblox and deaf/hard of hearing students.

R Lewis, USA, 19 October 2006:

I am a very enthusiastic newcomer to Audiblox. I bought the program for my nine-year-old son, Quintin, and am already so excited about his progress with the program. Sheryl has been a tremendous resource and her input has been invaluable. I have been truly amazed at how quickly we have seen progress with his focus and concentration skills and how that has translated to improved reading skills.

Leila Wangari, Kenya, 4 January 2006:

It is with great joy I am writing to you. I received my Audiblox kit but could not start in August due to some constraints, however I started in October and the results were more than a thrill. My son has been at a score of 250 out of 500 for long, but after doing half an hour every morning before he goes to school at the end of the term he made a progress of 321. His teachers are also overwhelmed with his reading and the confidence he has developed.

alMev A Lottering:

Americo my seun (agt jaar oud), het hierdie jaar begin. Ek kan regtig die verskil sien in sy konsentrasievermoë. Sy kort- en langtermyngeheue het baie verbeter. Sy manier van redeneer en verskille oorweeg is werklik fantasties. Met sy skoolwerk doen hy so goed en presteer regtig pragtig in alle opsigte.

Mrs L Ritchie, 22 November 2005:

His change is nothing short of miraculous according to his teachers. In the first term he could not read and they were very worried about him. Now he is the top reader in his class.

Wendy and John Davidson, May 2004:

At the beginning of the school year we were told by the teacher that Brent in Grade 2 had a maths problem and was reading at the age of a 5 year old. Brent is 7 years old. We were told that he would probably have to go to a remedial school, but we were not happy with this option. We heard about Audiblox and after a lot of research we thought that this was an option to take.

So we started Brent on the Audiblox program in March (2004). The results have proved themselves… We have had reports back from the teacher that he is producing the most amazing maths, his concentration levels are great, his memory has improved drastically, his reading has improved and his self-confidence has also improved. Last term he came third in a class of 26 children for spelling.

Mrs Turnbull, Keswick, Cumbria, UK, April 2002: 

Since the start of the Audiblox programme I have noticed a change in Bryan’s attitude to reading although sitting down to read text is not his favourite pass-time. I have noticed that he that he is more willing to try and read signs, instructions for toys, flowers and plant names at garden centres etc., things that once went unnoticed.

Leslieanne and Paul Cartmell, Keswick, Cumbria, UK, April 2002: 

The Audiblox pilot scheme has brought Darren on 100% in reading, concentration, memory and spelling (and others listed overleaf). His reading ability is now wonderful compared to 6 months ago. He has enjoyed coming every morning and has never moaned about setting off early. Audiblox has been wonderful.

Thankful Parents, Parkview:

The severe concentration problem of our daughter (Grade 5) had to be addressed after receiving her poor school report at the end of the first term. She started doing Audiblox at the beginning of the second term and here are extracts from her school report at the end of the second term:

English 60 68
Mathematics 50 68
History 24 75
Science 66 68
Zulu 60 73
Geography 52 68


Her motivation and self-esteem have improved dramatically!

Mother, Bryanston:

I was dubious about commencing yet another programme with my two daughters (8 and 10 years of age), however, was pleasantly surprised by the outcome! Progress was rapid and I saw results within weeks, especially regarding concentration. My elder daughter’s marks at school increased in all learning subjects. She can recall information with ease! Spelling and reading improved with both girls. They love doing Audiblox! I would recommend Audiblox to anyone wishing to improve concentration, reading and spelling.

Izzy, USA:

I am happy to tell you we have been consistent with Audiblox for Math improvement and I am beginning to see significant improvement in my daughter’s math skills. I have only been able to do it with my older daughter. I wanted to concentrate on her as she was struggling more. Last semester her average in math was 97 with very little extra help. Our goal is to become an independent learner in Math.

The Audiblox is definitely a great tool. I can never thank you enough for your help.

A Happy Grandmother:

I want to thank you for the ezine article “Talk Your Child Clever”. When I first came here to take care of my 17 month old granddaughter, she was not talking, only grunting and whining. After her parents left for military duty, I constantly spoke to her, beginning with please and thank you. She picked up on so many words immediately. Every day a new word comes out of her mouth. It is so exciting to see her grow. It’s been two months and she’s happier when she can get her point across.

Heather Smit, Parent:

I have been absolutely amazed at the results yielded by the Audiblox program. We began less than six weeks ago, and Grant’s reading and writing have already improved. So have his concentration, memory and (believe it or not) his obedience. Dr Strydom must be congratulated on a professionally produced and ingenious program.

Laura Poland-Trudel, Canada:

I have a dyslexic boy who is now ten. He is going into Grade Five. He usually ends his year with a fail in reading and writing. Since Grade Two the school has wanted him to repeat his year and I have refused, promising to try to help him myself. We have been through many different programs (at school and at home), with very little results.

We began Audiblox about six weeks before Grade Four ended. His concentration has greatly improved; he actually listens to what the teacher is saying; less clowning in class. He can now actually pick up a book and read on his own, something he never did before. The principal called me to tell me that for the first time my son passed all his courses! He got a C in reading and a B in writing!

Mr and Mrs van Heerden, Parents:

Now, after three months, his work has already improved remarkably. Where previously he was reluctant and often even refused to read, he is now eager to read and sometimes even asks his teacher for an extra reading lesson. His tendency to reverse words — he often read words like “net” as “ten” — has disappeared and the reversal of letters and figures has diminished drastically. All this has of course improved his reading speed. The same improvements are also noticeable in his written work. His concentration, memory and self-confidence have also improved and the effect of this can be seen in his general schoolwork. Even his coordination has improved. We can really recommend the program to all people with reading and/or learning problems. (Letter translated)

Janine Webb, Parent:

My daughter has dyslexia and we were told two years ago that she would not be able to read or write, but we have achieved amazing results with Audiblox and she is in a mainstream school and coping well. Her favourite hobby is, believe it or not, reading.

raymondMev Vroom, Ouer:

Dit het ‘n nuwe lewe vir Raymond geskep. Van ‘n skugter en skaam, teruggetrokke, rebelse seuntjie het hy ontwikkel tot ‘n juweel in die huis.

Oplettendheid en geheue is nou sy sterk punte. Musiek is nou ook ‘n nuwe wêreld wat vir hom oopgegaan het. Sy geheue vir woorde van ‘n liedjie wat hy slegs eenmaal gehoor het, is fenominaal.

Hy is ‘n groot sportman. Hy is kaptein van sy rugbyspan en speel ook muurbal. Hy is baie lief vir atletiek.

Raymond het nog altyd die waaroms en die hoekoms in die lewe gevra, maar sy swak leesvermoë het hom gekortwiek om die antwoorde te vind. Sy leesvermoë het so verbeter dat daar nou geen keer aan hom is om al die vrae beantwoord te kry nie. Hy gaan nou elke dag biblioteek toe, lees gereeld in dagblaaie en ensiklopedieë en vind antwoorde op sy vrae.

Mrs M Nieuwoudt, Parent:

The Audiblox learning program was the direct cause of the fact that my child was one of four in his class who received book prizes for achievement. Thank you again for all your help. I shall definitely continue to make use of it for many more years to come. (Letter translated)

Mrs T Wepener, Parent:

Brent is now in sixth grade. He has always had difficulty with his spelling, but as the work became more difficult, his spelling caused him to lose interest in reading and marks because of spelling errors.

We were introduced to Audiblox and we felt we had to give Brent the opportunity to try to improve his problem. He has now been doing Audiblox for six weeks and not only has it improved his spelling, but it has made Brent more confident in his schoolwork and more interested, which in turn has made it more enjoyable. He will now even try to read an article whereas before he would not.

Brent himself thoroughly enjoys the Audiblox lessons and definitely feels he has gained a lot. He finds his concentration has improved and also that he is more aware throughout the day.

Ronel vZMrs van Zyl, Namibia:

She now carries out instructions after they have been given once only and completes her work in the allotted time. She concentrates better and does not reverse any more. For the first time she received a certificate at last year’s prize giving…. Ronel enjoys the course and her excitement is indescribable when she gets a whole sequence of blocks correct. We as parents are thankful that — after consulting many other therapists — we now have the opportunity to help our child at home. (Letter translated)

Mrs K G Robertson, Parent:

My son has suffered from dyslexia and has tried the following: Remedial teaching, extra lessons and occupational therapy. Unfortunately, although there was an improvement my son’s problem remained. This resulted in him avoiding any reading and writing. He developed behavioral problems. He was ashamed of his dyslexia.

We started Audiblox and within a period of two months he improved to the extent that he will pick up and read a newspaper or magazine of his own free will — without prompting. He has stopped reversing and substituting the letters b, p, and d. He writes messages freely.

The Audiblox program has made an immense difference.

Sandra Robinson, Parent:

I would like to inform you that my child Jason Robinson, who started the Audiblox program two weeks before final exams, has passed Grade Nine. This is a huge miracle as I was sure that he would have to repeat, a second time. He did not fail a single subject, yet mid-year there was almost no hope. From what I could see, he did not study any more hours than he usually did, so it could only be Audiblox that helped him.

LeonMrs R van Niekerk, Parent:

We started Leon on Audiblox because we realized that, like his elder brother, he would also battle with reading and spelling in future. Leon could not distinguish between certain sounds like b and d, and f and v.

Improvement was noticed within a few months. At present he no longer has any problem distinguishing between sounds, and where he scored a 4 (good) on his previous report for reading, he now scored a 5 (very good). (Letter translated)

Mrs Dannhauser, Parent:

I feel that I must write to you to thank you for the wonderful system which you introduced to us, who have children with learning difficulties. I worked with my daughter according to your system during the last term of Grade 10. Now in her first term in Grade 11, her marks in all her subjects have improved remarkably. She still studies very hard, but her attitude towards her studies has changed completely. She used to say: “I work myself to death, and then I get 30%, while others who do not study at all get 70% or more!” Now she says: “Guess how much I got! I can’t believe it!” Even her Typing has improved. She remembers better, she concentrates better, her self-concept has improved. Even her sport has improved: she was moved up from the second netball team to the first. By looking at my child’s marks and her attitude towards school, I can substantiate everything you said about the effect of Audiblox, that it improves reading and spelling, betters thinking, reasoning, memory and concentration, and improves the ability to study. (Letter translated)

Mrs L Botha, Parent:

Chris is at a boarding school and the lessons are done over weekends. His spelling and reading have improved incredibly. Where one always had to guess what he has written he now hardly ever makes any spelling mistakes. Sentence construction is also much better.

Mr Adriaan Schutte, Parent:

About nine months ago, as you will probably remember, I contacted you for help for my son Werner, who was than in Grade 1. He had difficulties with spatial orientation, and auditory and concentration problems. He also worked so slowly that he often had to stay behind after school to finish incomplete work. Now, after one term in Grade 2, his class teacher informed me that he is one of the fastest workers in class. (Letter translated)

Kitty Venter, Parent:

Pedri (a Grade 6 student) had been diagnosed as dyslexic. His reading ability was on a Grade 2, second-semester level. He underachieved in Math, his concentration was poor, he had a spelling problem, poor self-esteem, perceptual problems and his memory was poor.

Reading and spelling have improved tremendously. Previously I had to read aloud all his schoolwork. After having done Audiblox for 6 months he virtually studied on his own for this exam. He had made so much progress that he was now ready to attend extra Math classes. His concentration and memory have improved as well as his self-esteem. At this point in time reversals in numbers are virtually non-existent, while there are no more reversals in spelling. For the first time in his school career he received a merit prize — it was for Geography — for obtaining an average of more than 80%.

Reading is still not on grade level but we will prevail! (Letter translated)

evMrs Verster, Parent:

Elmari has more self-confidence. She is more talkative. Previously she did not participate in discussions in class. She was too shy to recite poems. During the last term she could tell stories! She is now determined to complete a task and is more interested in reading.

Mrs M Engels, Parent:

JD battled with reading and spelling. He reversed “b” and “d.” Actually he battled with everything related to schoolwork. Since doing Audiblox all his subjects have improved. His reading and spelling have greatly improved. He is now more anxious to pick up a book and read.

Hentie and Carine Fourie, Parents:

The change that became visible in Sanrie was unbelievable. How tragic that she had to battle for five years and that we had literally gone with her from pillar to post. However, God helped us to find you and for the first time in many years, she again has the confidence start something and persevere with it. Where previously she would not even read aloud to members of her family, she now has the courage to read even to strangers. Where previously she constantly asked for help with her homework, she now does it all by herself. When we are busy with the Audiblox lessons in the evening, she refuses to pack up before she has read at least a page.

For us this is a wonderful change. We would like to thank you all for the wonderful support, patience, and encouragement. For the first time in five years, there is a positive change to be noted in Sanrie. Our joy and expectations are indescribable. We cannot stop telling other people about her wonderful progress. (Letter translated)

chrisjanMev R Venter, Ouer:

Crisjan kan nou stories skryf, spel beter en wil nou graag lees.

Indien hy leeswerk vir huiswerk het doen hy baie meer as waarvoor gevra word, hy lees sommer die hele storieboek. Hy het ook ‘n beter selfbeeld want hy sien hy kan en is trots op homself.

Mev Annette du Toit, Ouer:

Lize leer baie makliker en haar Wiskunde het die laaste kwartaal met 24 punte gestyg. Die onderwyser was heeltemal verbaas.

Mr P Burger, Parent:

Two months before the end of year examination, his class teacher and the principal informed us that Primarius would not pass fourth grade. As a result of Audiblox, however, he passed with distinction and with the best marks he had ever achieved. His teacher phoned me and confirmed that it was a miracle that he had passed so well. (Letter translated)

Mrs G E Weilbach, Parent:

Our youngest son, 11 years old, is apparently dyslexic. He attends a remedial school. For four years he had intensive occupational therapy, but it had no positive effect on his reading ability. Until we started the present course, he was unable to read even a single word without first spelling it before saying it. The result was that he read painfully slowly and without any comprehension. We started the Audiblox program three months ago. Since then there has been a great improvement in both his spelling and reading abilities. He can now distinguish between b’s and d’s. His self-image has improved considerably and his interest in books is constantly growing. (Letter translated)

Mr Seegers, Parent:

He and his mother have worked very hard and consistently and the result was that he was rewarded with the book prize for the best improvement during last year. Obviously, there is still much room for improvement but the result so far has been most gratifying. The course requires hard work and great sacrifice, but it is more than worthwhile.

Petrus Etsebeth, High School Student:

Thank you for Audiblox. My self-esteem has improved tremendously and my attitude towards my studies has changed. My concentration and memory have also improved. My parents’ point of view is that Audiblox is a much better legacy than gold or silver, because it is helping me in many different ways to be a better student and to experience the joy of achievement. (Letter translated)

Mrs C G C Breedt, Teacher and Audiblox Tutor:

Just a few words to tell of the good progress that we are making with the Audiblox classes. Each year our school gives a book prize in the Junior and Senior Primary classes for the child who has made the best progress during the year. The 7 children who were nominated this year were all Audiblox children. In the Junior Primary class Shelton Key got the prize. In the Senior Primary class it was awarded to Reinette du Plessis. Some of these children’s aggregates improved with as much as 11% during the year! (Letter translated)

Claudia Sephton One of many parents

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