She Gained Confidence and Can Do Her Homework on Her Own

  • Thandoluhle struggled in all areas, being unable to read, write, and communicate.
  • She regained her confidence and is now able to concentrate better.
  • “Before, you could hardly read what she had written. She can now convey messages from school and does her homework voluntarily without fighting over it,” wrote Thandoluhle’s mother.

Thandoluhle’s mom tells her story:

In 2022, after school term 1, we were called to school to discuss Thandoluhle’s progress. The school told us that our daughter was not coping in mainstream schooling. We were recommended to seek professional help and find a special school for her.

Thandoluhle is turning 12 years old on November 30 and is in Grade 4. She was struggling in all areas, unable to read and write as well as communicate. She would even forget what she wanted to say. Being young parents, you expect everything to be perfect for your child. This was not the case. It wasn’t easy for us, but we had to be strong for her and support her. We took her for professional help, and the psychiatrist told us she had trouble with concentration. We requested that the school give her a second chance as she enrolled at Edublox in April. They agreed, however, that she was to repeat grade 4.

The psychologist referred us to the psychiatrist, and he started her on medication for concentration. During the second term, her performance started to improve, she gained confidence and was able to do her homework on her own. I also noticed other changes, such as improvement in spelling and handwriting. Before, you could hardly read what she had written. She can now convey messages from school and does her homework voluntarily without fighting over it, and her marks have improved. We found a remedial school for her; she’s doing great. Even though we’re still working on learning the alphabet and focusing, we’re excited about her progress.

We want to thank the Edublox teachers for the fantastic work that they are doing for our kids. Without Edublox, as working parents, our lives wouldn’t be easy. Thank you very much, Emma Nell. You always welcome us with your warm heart, come up with solutions to our problems, and stay as warm and loving as you always are.

Nelisiwe Khoza.


*Thandoluhle attended Edublox Northcliff

Thandoluhle’s progress in spelling is evident.

Nelisiwe Khoza Thandoluhle's Mother

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