Remembers Her Tables, Spells Much Better, Has the World of Self-confidence


Welmari’s schoolwork deteriorated more and more. Her teachers and the school principal could not help. Remedial classes did not help. Her marks continued to deteriorate. What she has learnt in the afternoon, such as her tables and spelling, she would not know the following day. Everything she learnt was only temporary. We took her for a health check-up, had her eyes tested at various doctors, visited a dentist, clinical psychologist and school psychologist. Nobody could find anything wrong with Welmari. We were on our way to a neurologist to see if pills could not help when a friend heard about Audiblox on the radio.

We started in August by doing three lessons per day. We persevered, but in the September exams, she still had an average of only 42%. After the October vacation we took new courage and three weeks before the final exam (November) she started bringing home test scores that varied between 80% and 87%, and for her final exam (December) she was awarded 53%. We were so joyful and thankful; we laughed and cried at the same time and praised God all the way.

Welmari remembers her tables, she spells much better, has the world of self-confidence and has studied on her own for her final exam. Maths is still a problem, and hard work still lies ahead, but we’ll persevere!

Mrs M W van Rooyen



Mrs M W van Rooyen Welmari's mother

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