Recommended for Every Child

Feedback.3185717_stdWith this letter, I want to sing the praises of Audiblox. Not only my own life has changed since I became familiar with Audiblox, but also the lives of many children in my neighbourhood.

In April 2001 I received training to present Audiblox classes. It is fantastic how my classes have grown in only four months. When I returned from Pretoria, I started with two pupils — my own children. I did an Audiblox presentation at a school and since then my classes have not stopped growing. I already have 72 pupils and I am very excited about the progress that I see in each and every one of them. In one school in Parow I have three Grade 3 pupils and I am very impressed with the progress they have shown after only three weeks. All three of them had great difficulties with reading and their visual perception was extremely weak. I started doing Pattern exercise 1a with them with only three blocks — and they were unable to do it. Within three weeks their perception has improved so much that they can already do Pattern exercise 1a correctly with five blocks. It is wonderful to see how the self-image of these children has improved, because suddenly they no longer find it so hard to read.

Audiblox is really wonderful! I can recommend it, not only for children with learning problems, but for every child and every parent who wants to make a difference in the life of his or her child.

Anriëtte le Roux
August 2001

Anriëtte le Roux Tutor

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