Reading, Spelling, and Work Tempo Improved Considerably


Lurisca started at Edublox in August 2009 for assistance with the following difficulties:

  • Concentration problems
  • Slow work tempo – could not complete tasks time
  • Reading below standard
  • Poor word recognition
  • Poor spelling
  • Low self-esteem and always unsure about her work

The assessment confirmed that she needed help and the recommendation was that she attend one class per week for a year.

Within the first month her schoolwork improved significantly. By the end of the third term of 2009 the average for all her subjects was 3 (meets the required levels of performance), and by the first quarter of 2010 the average increased to 4 (exceeds expectation).

Her reading, spelling, and work tempo have improved considerably. She now completes her homework without any help from her parents and the problem with low self-esteem is a thing of the past.

A year has passed since she started with the Edublox classes and major improvements were achieved in various areas. Due to the excellent results accomplished to date, we decided to continue with the Edublox classes although she no longer needs help. Lurisca enjoys attending the classes tremendously and all the attention and sweets are obviously a bonus.

Mrs Combrinck


(Letter translated)

Mrs Combrinck Lurisca's mother

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