Reading Improved from Grade 1 to Grade 6 Standard

Feedback.3185717_stdMy name is Caroline Janssen. I live in Gonubie and am very grateful to Audiblox and those committed to the programme.

Throughout junior school I struggled with reading which in turn affected most of my work. I coped well with maths, however when story sums were introduced to us I started to struggle with maths as well. My mom tried everything she could to help me, sending me on all sorts of extra lessons. By the time I was in Grade 7 and we had tried everything available and I had become despondent. When mom suggested I try the Audiblox I made her promise that this had to be the last thing I was going to try.

It was suggested that I go on the intense course. Before I started the course my reading was tested using a Grade 6 text and it showed that I was reading at a Grade 1 standard. Once I had completed the intense course my reading was tested again, this time using a Grade 7 text, my reading had improved to the level of a Grade 6!!!

I carried on with Audiblox attending classes three times a week for another 18 months. Through Audiblox I learnt a lot about myself and where my strengths lay, I then used these methods to learn. As the years went by my marks improved each term, I have just written matric (matric = Grade 12) and passed with a distinction — 3 B’s and 3 A’s !!!!! I will be going to UCT to do a BSc degree.

Caroline Janssen

Caroline Janssen Learner

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