Reading Fluently, Out Loud

Feedback.3185717_stdDuring the first term of Grade 2 I noticed that Nicola had a problem with her reading. She would want to spell out each word and then pronounce it the way it was spelt. A book would take us forever to complete. It left me frustrated and she felt disheartened. Her spelling was even worse as she would spell words the way they were pronounced.

At the end of last year she got a book prize at Edublox. On the way home she started to read it; my husband and I looked at each other in amazement as she fluently read out loud. She is not needing to spell out words as often as she did and she is feeling more confident.

Nicola has still got a problem with spelling and spells basic words incorrectly. I feel this area needs more attention.

Tracy Keeling

Nicola’s year-end report:


Tracy Keeling Nicola's mother

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