Reading with Expression, Spelling Improved Tremendously


From: Bronwyn Tracy van Heerden [mailto:brontracy@…
Sent: 07 November 2016 11:38 AM

To: Edublox West Rand <>
Subject: Re: Learner Development report

Hi Monique,

Jethro attends Trinity House Little Falls. I enrolled him at Edublox West Rand because he was really struggling with his reading. It was so challenging for him to even read a 30 page book and my heart broke for him every time he read. I could see he was really trying very hard and he was getting so frustrated with himself and hated reading, and together with that it was affecting his spelling. The two go hand in hand — if you can’t read you can’t spell.

I had to help him and contacted Monique from Edublox. She was so friendly and helpful. He has been at Edublox since April 2016 and you can see by his teacher’s report that he is starting to read very nicely and with expression. I am very pleased with the results and Jethro is much happier. He has even joined the library in our area and is reading one additional book every week, over and above his school reader. His spelling has also improved tremendously.

Jethro will be at Edublox till April 2017 and I can’t wait to see him grow from strength to strength. His school principal told me that from Term 1 to Term 3 he has improved more than they even expected and they are incredibly proud of him.

Thank you

Kind Regards

Bronwyn van Heerden

Jethro’s report:



Bronwyn van Heerden Jethro's mother

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