If it pleases, I should like to introduce our company. We are a private Remedial Tuition Centre offering a whole authority approach to Specific Learning Difficulties.
We came to Singapore in 1995 and our original foundation of 7 scholars has grown in 6 years into a modern school of 200 plus students and 30 highly trained teaching staff. Tuition is offered on a one-to-one basis in Literacy (English) and Numeracy (Mathematics). Our website XXXX.com.sg offers a deal of background information about who we are and what we do.
Several people have mentioned ‘Audiblox’ to us, although we were aware of your research, publications and methodology. In recent times four quite separate occurrences have led to my writing this letter. Perhaps I might explain.
Two of our teachers have dyslexic children. Unbeknownst to each other, they purchased Audiblox for sole use with their children. At a recent staff meeting they shared their experiences which, in turn led to an evaluation being made. Similarly, two sets of parents have mentioned the successes achieved.
We are minded to incorporate Audiblox within our programme and, where necessary, use it in support of our normal teaching within the Special Needs Register.
I am aware of the ‘conditions’ listed in the manual. Will you please consider my request and if thought appropriate, let me know the terms you require in doing so.
My kind regards,
Yours faithfully,
N P Menken
Managing Director