A Place of Honour at Our School

standerton20 August 2000

Dear Friend

Audiblox: Standerton Primary School

The problem:

We as teachers were very concerned about the large number of learners in our school that had some or other “learning problem.” It varied from weak reading, weak phonics and word recognition, short attention span, reversals, to laterality problems, etc. For a very long time already we had been implementing the traditional Remedial Education program, but the results had been meagre. We all agreed that drastic action had to be taken against this growing problem.

The solution:

We heard about Audiblox and investigated. A group was sent ahead to receive training, offered by Dr Jan Strydom himself in Pretoria. All the teachers who had attended the course were convinced that a solution had been found. Subsequently all the teachers in the junior department were trained.

Audiblox was then implemented as follows in the school:

In the first year all the learners from Grade 1 to Grade 3 had one Audiblox period per day. From the next year, up to the present moment, all Grade 1 learners have oneAudiblox period per day, five days per week.

The rest of the learners who had problems (including Grade 1 to Grade 3), were given the opportunity to attend Audiblox lessons in the afternoons. Even learners who already performed well, and who nevertheless spontaneously attended classes, afterwards achieved even better.

After three years the results were so good that the need for Audiblox has virtually disappeared. We ascribe this mainly to the fact that each learner in Grade 1 has the opportunity to take part in the program. In this way we are to a large extent able to do preventative work.

Audiblox has already been in use at the Standerton Primary School for four years.


Audiblox is regarded as an important asset by both teachers and parents at the Standerton Primary School. It definitely has a place of honour at our school, because we were able to see what it can do for children — both children with learning problems and good achievers.


(Sgd.) H.A. Martins (Sgd.) A. Coetzee
Principal Head of Department



H.A. Martins and A. Coetzee Principal and Head of Department

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