Overcoming Reversals

Feedback.3185717_stdInka was 5 and a half when I found out that she was ADD. Although she was obviously bright, she battled to perform cognitively as she was easily distracted and seldom finished the tasks given to her. I was even asked to have her hearing tested as she “zoned out” when spoken to by a teacher. A real dreamer. Her hearing was fine, so they commented on her selective hearing problem. She was also VERY poorly organised. Never put things away and when doing a task of some sort she had stuff all over. On the table, her lap, the floor, etc.

I started her on the general pre-school programme in January. I also followed the parental guidance given to me by Dr. Jan Strydom. Together these two things had a great effect. Within a few weeks I had noticed a huge improvement. By June her teacher commented on how strong she was academically. In fact, her words were, “She’s at the top of the class!”

She then entered grade 1 with great enthusiasm and has done very well indeed. At the end of the first term the teacher let me know that although Inka was doing extremely well, she had a lot of reversals. This she found strange because this normally goes with children who battle a great deal.

Five weeks ago I started on the customized programme that I purchased from Benetta Strydom at Audiblox head office. In this she focused on reversals and neatening up Inka’s handwriting. Within 5 weeks the only reversals Inka shows are those that she has already corrected. I asked her teacher and she confirmed that there was great improvement. She also mentioned that there were a whole lot of other things that have suddenly fell into place. Those of you who know the worry accompanying a child that has difficulties, knows how happy I am. Audiblox is AMAZING!! And Benetta know her stuff!!

Thank you Audiblox team!

Anita Vogt

Anita Vogt Inka's mother

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