This is our success story, well more that of my son, but through this whole process he inspired me to become more.
My son was born early and we were informed that if he lives to see 3 months it would be a miracle. Well, I am glad to say that my little fighter is turning 9 in March 2015.
We enrolled him in a mainstream school in Grade R. We were sure that he would excel in school just as he did in life. But, halfway through the year we were informed that he is not coping. We set out to do whatever it takes to assist him in reaching his full potential in school.
At the start of Grade 1 he was enrolled in a private school with smaller classes. He seemed to be OK but he still did not excel and seemed to struggle with attention and to concentrate on one task. We tried everything, even medication (against my better judgement) that seemed to calm him down, but still his work continued to be a worry.
At the end of Grade 2 we were sure that he was OK to be moved back to a main stream school and we had him tested. We were shocked to find that he was way below standard and in no way ready to move back to main stream. I was devastated for him as he had worked so hard and trusted that all the hours of work would pay off.
In total desperation I set down in front of my PC and said a small prayer, asking for a solution. I can’t remember what I Google’d, but I came across the EDUBLOX site. As I read the success stories I knew this is it. I phoned Susan and very calmly she said “come let me help you”. We made the appointment and soon after that Dihann started his first class. I had high hopes that this will in time make all the difference. Never in my wildest dreams could I anticipate how soon the change would be seen in my son.
Three weeks through the classes and I received numerous questions from mothers of Dihann’s classmates and teachers asking me, “What have you done?” I only smiled and said EDUBLOX.
In a few weeks Dihann went from struggling to being second in his class. He could focus on the task at hand and finish it. His writing improved, so much so that when I checked his book, I asked him who was using his books to write in? He smiled and said, “That’s all me, Mom. I am doing so well!” He gave me a hug and said “Thanks Mom, it’s hard work and sometimes I hate it, but I love the rewards.”
This year Dihann started with Grade 3. He was very motivated on the first day and I was afraid that the fire in him would grow cold as the days go by, but it did not. He remains motivated and continues to amaze me. Since day one he never got anything less than 80% for his tests and I can truly say WE FOUND THE ANSWER.
Thank you EDUBLOX and Susan for giving my son a second chance.
Nadia van Rooyen