From a No Reader to a Child Who Loves Books

na-03From: Lameze [mailto:lamezedove@….]
Sent: 01 February 2013 10:20 AM

Dearest Zainu,

Salaam, I hope you are doing well.

Zainu, how do I begin to convey my gratitude for what you, your staff and Edublox have done for Naeem?

Naeem has been at Edublox for the past 18 months and in that time I have noticed little changes in Naeem’s attitude to his school work. Please don’t get me wrong, he doesn’t sit with his books as all us parents would love but he is able to retain info so much better.

Naeem has gone from an absolute no reader to a child that loves his books. When we go to the library, I have to give off my library card so that he can get everything he wants to read. It’s standard now that he reads 14 novels in 10 days. He moans and groans when we can’t get to the library and he now wants to know why the library isn’t open on a Sunday! Mercy mercy mercy!!!! If Edublox has done nothing but given Naeem a love of reading then I am one happy parent. My mother always taught us that READING IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS. And that I firmly believe. I am an avid reader myself and have great joy in the fact that my son now can escape in his novels. It’s also freed a bit of time for me as now he and his sister cuddle up and he reads to her at night. (Blessings!!!)

As you know, we went through of a rough time towards the end of the year and I was very worried that his marks would drop. It did but he still managed to come third out of the entire grade 6’s (I enclose his certificate which was awarded to him in respect of this). He is a bright boy with his whole future ahead of him and I would recommend anybody to give their children the gift of Edublox. Education is the greatest gift we can give our kids. I managed to persuade my sister to enroll her 3 kids with you and I’m very proud of her doing that. We always say we don’t have money but yet we continue to buy our kids playstations and games. I believe we should rather take that money and send our kids to an intensive session at Edublox.

So moving forward I am sad that Naeem will no longer be attending but will definitely send him for intensive sessions during the year. Edublox has become a lifeline to a good solid educational foundation and will always let you know how he is doing at school. A good education is the only way for us to work ourselves out of poverty and ignorance.

With deep gratitude and much appreciation.


Lameze Abrahams Naeem's mother

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