Much More Confidence in Reading after Three Weeks


From: bronwyn [mailto:bronwyn@…..]
Sent: 22 April 2016 02:56 PM
Subject: Jethro van Heerden

Hi Monique,

Hope you have had a good week.

As per our chat on Tuesday. Jethro (Grade 3) has only ever taken out one library book at a time and always struggled to complete the book and me having to finish it off quickly so that he can hand the book back in. He has been coming to Edublox now for only three weeks and already he has shown much more confidence and definitely more comfortable reading, especially out loud to me and his little brother. He does the story telling at night now instead of me… LOL.

He has started to take out three library books at a time now and finishing them all and by himself before us having to hand them back. I’m incredible proud of him and I definitely think you have given him the encouragement he needed to make reading exciting.

I have attached a picture of him and the 3 library books he took out. Huge accomplishment for Jethro.

Thank you

Kind Regards


Bronwyn Jethro's mother

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