More Eager to Work; More Purposeful in the Execution of Instructions

Feedback.3185717_stdIt is now four years since I received Audiblox training. What a wonderful privilege it has been to have been able to work with children during all this time. Parents and teachers cannot stop talking about the results that we are achieving at our centre, which my husband and I started here in Ermelo.

The name of our centre is Arauna Motivational and Enrichment Centre. We present Audiblox classes here and also have an after care centre. We research everything on children, and especially anything that may impede their development. We are able to say, with deep gratitude, that Audiblox really makes a big difference in the lives of children.

Within two weeks, the teachers say that in class there is a difference in the attitude of the children. They are more eager to work and more purposeful in the execution of instructions. After as little as two months, an improvement starts to show in the school marks. The marks improve from 40% to 60%, from 50% to 75% and even from 80% to 90%. Therefore, it is our experience that we often have top ten pupils in our classes too. It is Audiblox that makes the difference, throughout the whole spectrum of the normal school class. Many learners (also top achievers) do not discontinue the classes, because there is always a challenge in the next class and also because the classes remain interesting.

For children with Maths problems, who lack concentration, who experience difficulties with reading and spelling, or for those who just want to achieve better at school, for all these Audiblox is really the answer.

Maryna Smith


Maryna Smith Tutor

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