Marj’s Story

Zimbabwe-FlagWell I am finally settled with my family in our new home and am excited and enthusiastic to start Audiblox here in Durban.

Leaving Zimbabwe, having lived there all my life, was a very sad and traumatic time but I come away with the knowledge that the last four years or so of teaching Audiblox has helped hundreds of children now scattered across the world to be better equipped to cope with school and life. I feel privileged to have had that opportunity. Here is my story.

After training with you in 1998, Audiblox in Zimbabwe grew from strength to strength. Word spread like wildfire and with eight teachers’ help, children benefited from the program either at school, afternoon group lessons or on an individual basis.

One school in particular requested that I teach Audiblox to all the Grade one and two children. After four years, it was noted that the only children who were experiencing learning difficulties were those in the higher grades because these children had not been exposed to Audiblox at a young age. The grade one and two teachers spoke highly of Audiblox, finding the children’s concentration, work tempo and general classroom management greatly improved. I am convinced that all children in their early school days should experience Audiblox.

Interestingly, in 2001 the same school asked if Audiblox would assist their academic grade 7 students with study skills prior to their public and entrance exams to senior school. These students worked through levels one, two and three within the year and although they were reluctant to begin with, soon found their long term memories, concentration etc. had drastically improved and were enthusiastic with the challenges awaiting them at their next lesson. I thoroughly enjoyed these lessons and was proud of the children’s achievements.

The most rewarding for me was the individual tuition. I do believe, without a doubt that these children, who had severe learning difficulties, lives were totally changed, some more than others. I can think of many, but Kyle is a little boy of ten years old that I hold close to my heart. His background was complicated and emotionally he was introverted and lived in his own world. He attended a government school being labeled the “class dunce”. At ten, Kyle could not read a word! He was teased and laughed at, but amazingly was well behaved and had a heart of gold. To begin with his shoulders sagged as he trudged to our classroom but within two weeks he would run to meet me with a huge smile on his face, both he and I as excited as each other! His achievements during the year were truly phenomenal. After six months he would remember forty blocks in sequence from the previous day and be anxious to add more! His reading by the ninth month was at a grade five level and he was continually praised at school for his outstanding achievements. He won awards at school, did well on the sports field and at long last had friends!

With very hard work and determination, Kyle passed his exams and was accepted by a private school this year. On our last day together, he looked at me, eyes filled with tears and said “Don’t worry about me Mrs A, I am fine now, I am not stupid anymore and one day I will be a pilot!” “Yes Kyle” I replied, “you can, you can be anything you want to be “.

I am so grateful to you all for giving me the gift of Audiblox, so that I may be able to continue to make a change in someone else’s life. Thank you.

Regards to all,

Marj Arslanian Master Trainer, Zimbabwe

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