Case Study: Major Improvement in Spelling and Writing

Letlotlo Sebbale

First assessment, 3 January 2013

Letlotlo Sebbale was about to enter Grade 2 when he was assessed at Edublox. He reversed letters and his spelling was very poor.

Letlotlo was assessed on the Essi Reading Test, on a Grade 2, 1st term level. This reading test aims at determining the sight word vocabulary of a learner. Norms for the tests, available for each term, have been calculated in the form of stanines and percentile ranks.

Of children doing the test,

4% score a stanine of 1 (VERY POOR)
19% score a stanine of 2 or 3 (POOR)
54% score a stanine of 4, 5 or 6 (AVERAGE)
19% score a stanine of 7 or 8 (GOOD)
4% score a stanine of 9 (VERY GOOD)

Letlotlo scored 6/20 for the test, which equals a stanine of 4.

He was also assessed on the Essi Spelling Test, on a Grade 2, 1st term level. He scored 0/20, which equals a stanine of 1.

Our assessment determined that Letlotlo was struggling as a result of weak cognitive skills. He had directional confusion, which affects concepts such as up and down, top and bottom, and is the reason for reversing letters, whole words or numbers, or for so-called mirror writing.

Below is Letlotlo’s attempt at writing the words door, stick, apple, mouth, fork, bread and table:


His form perception was also very weak. The child with poor form perception is at a distinct disadvantage when confronted with school-related activities. There is hardly an academic activity that does not require the child to engage in form perception.

Letlotlo scored
41% on the Form Perception Assessment
56% on the Visual Memory Assessment
89% on the Auditory Memory Assessment
50% on the Eye Span Assessment
50% on the Logical Thinking Assessment

 90%-100% — Very good/Development will further increase the skill level.
 80%-89% — Good/Development will further increase the skill level.
 70%-79% — Average/Development is necessary.
 0%-69% — Below average/Development is essential.

Letlotlo joined Edublox in April 2013, first attending two lessons per week, and after two months only one lesson per week.

Re-assessment, 14 June 2014

Letloto, now a Grade 3 learner, was re-assessed on the Essi Reading and Spelling Test.

Assessed on a Grade 3, 2nd term level, he scored 15/20 for the reading test, which equals a stanine of 6.

Assessed on a Grade 3, 2nd term level, he scored 9/20 for the spelling test, which equals a stanine of 5. As seen below, there is a marked difference in his spelling and writing:


Letlotlo will continue to attend Edublox classes until the end of 2014.

Susan du Plessis Letlotlo's tutor

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