I enrolled Jayden after having her assessed. Her Grade 2 teacher had asked me to have her eyes tested in the first term, as she was copying more and more work/words down incorrectly. In the second term I was asked to have her hearing tested, due to her not completing her work correctly. An assessment by Marj at Edublox confirmed that Jayden does in fact have a learning difficulty.
Since starting in the third term of 2014, Jayden’s reading, spelling and directions have improved. She is now reading more confidently and fluently and her spelling has improved at school. She gets less frustrated when reading or spelling. Now, while driving she tells me to turn left or right when giving directions.
Jayden still gets mixed up when spelling, for example she might forget to put the letter “e” at the end of the word as it is silent. She can spell the word out loud perfectly, but sometimes writes it down incorrectly, but it’s improving all the time.
Jeanene Timmermans
Jayden’s teacher and principal noted:
Note on Jayden’s photo: A stock photo was used.