Jaycee Shares His Edublox Experience First-hand

My name is Jaycee Cronje, I am 12 years old.

Before Edublox I struggled with concentration and it was difficult to study. My concentration always wandered to other things around me. My mother and father enrolled me in many different courses and extra classes to try and help me. However, nothing ever worked. I always got frustrated and sad when trying to study. I did not know how to get the study material into my head.

I started to go to my grandmother’s house after school, and she also noticed that I struggled with learning and concentration. She then approached one of her friends for advice. They suggested Edublox. I went for the first trial lesson and loved it! It felt like I was playing and learning at the same time.

After my first class, I told my mother that I really want to attend the Edublox program because I believed it could help me improve my learning. I love the class and do not want the class to end. I am excited every Thursday to attend my class. I have also completed the Studiblox Course and really learned a lot.

I have noticed the following changes in my schoolwork and life. I am able to spell better, my reading has also improved, and I understand the comprehension. If you look at my marks in the first quarter I did really badly. Now my marks have improved and I am still working hard to improve even more.

During this year I have also made a lot of new friends. I am more confident to approach new students at school. I am more talkative and try to think before I react to a situation. Previously I just reacted to a bad situation in a negative way.

If I have a friend who needs help, or even a stranger at school, I will tell them about Edublox and my great experience thus far. I will tell them about the values I have learned in life, for example, to be friends with the right people.

Thank you very much.

Jaycee Cronje

Jaycee’s average improved by 10%! 


Jaycee Cronje Edublox learner

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