Improvement in Overall Confidence

Feedback.3185717_stdXander was struggling with spelling in both Afrikaans and English, and had a short attention span, thus making it difficult to concentrate on one task for long. As a result, Xander was very frustrated, and had started to show a decline in self-image. His marks at school were very average, yet he had an amazing general knowledge, and loved reading (especially English, his second language). Xander enrolled at Edublox, as I was sure he could do so much better if he “connected” the dots regarding spelling and concentrating skills.

Since Xander started at Edublox I have been seeing an improvement in his overall confidence and he is much happier and calmer, thus building his self-image. Xander improved his spelling, especially in Afrikaans, and started to get better marks in class spelling tests — another confidence booster. Since Xander only started at Edublox in August 2015, I have high hopes for his further improvement and overall success in Grade 4 and 2016. Especially if you consider that from Aug-Nov 2015 his reading in words per minute has improved from 46 to 56 wpm (110 is the maximum)!!

Anina Warricker
19 January 2016

Anina Warricker Xander's mother

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