Improvement in Concentration and Memory

IanIan started school too early as his birthday is in December; he is always one year behind his peers. From Grade 1 he experienced problems with mathematics, reading and overall concentration. We tried different centres and in 2013 discovered Edublox, so decided to enroll him for 2014.

Ian’s mathematics has improved from 2 to 4, his social sciences from 4 to 5. The rest of his subjects remained constant. His concentration has improved as he is able to focus on one thing for more than ten minutes. He shows interest in educational TV programs like Discovery Science and nature documentaries, he asks a lot of questions, which was not the case in the past. At home he is more responsible and tries his best to contribute his part. He constantly asks me if I think he behaved properly when we’ve been out with friends. His memory has improved as well; he now regularly remembers what was said or what happened, whereas in the past his short and long-term memory was not good.

Eulalia Johnson

Note on Ian’s photo: A stock photo was used.

Eulalia Johnson Ian's mother

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