Based on Little Blessings preschool reports of 2013 and 2014 Samuel had short attention span and poor concentration. It was further recommended that he sees an occupational therapist for intervention on his learning problems. He underwent Active English programs ran by teacher Morné Botha while he was still at Little Blessings and seemed to have improved a lot. He proceeded to grade 1 but his school performance did not improve. That is when we, as his parents, decided to seek professional assistance from Edublox.
A cognitive assessment report of Samuel from Edublox stated that Samuel’s reading and spelling skills were not up to standard, caused by poor visual and auditory memory. It was recommended that he attend Edublox classes twice a week. Samuel enrolled for Edublox lessons from February 2016.
Areas that has improved
Samuel’s attention span and concentration have improved a lot, which has enhanced his listening skills. He now demonstrates good visual and auditory memory and good judgement. He has also gained on his reading and writing skills. His visual motor coordination has improved as well.
Areas that still needs attention
He still needs to gain confidence in reading because he does that at a slow pace.
We as parents want to send sincere gratitude to our Father Almighty God for having blessed us with a special son and continues to fill Samuel’s cup to the brim and gives Sam new strength and guidance in his learning progress. Samuel also wants to send his sincere appreciations and acknowledges the great efforts of the following people who have patiently walked with him on the learning road:
- Teacher Misty Jonker and Amelia Van Vollenstee from Little Blessings
- Teacher Morné Botha from the Active English program
- Class Teacher Madallian Willemse and Assistance Teacher Maria from Northern Academy
- Teacher Lizani Muller from Edublox reading and learning clinic.
Makgabo F Madiba
Samuel’s Grade 1 report:
SCALE: 7. Outstanding achievement – 80 – 100% 6. Meritorious achievement – 70 – 79% 5. Substantial achievement – 60 – 69% 4. Adequate achievement – 50 – 59% 3. Moderate achievement – 40 – 49% 2. Elementary achievement – 30 – 39% 1. Not achieved - 0–29%