Reasons for Hannah’s enrolment at Edublox
Hannah is a student at St Andrews School for Girls in Bedfordview in Grade 3. Midway through term 2 her teacher expressed concern with regards to Hannah’s reading and spelling abilities and specifically with regards to short term memory. Hannah would be able to pass Grade 3, however, passing Grade 4 would be a challenge. Hannah also did not readily participate in class discussions.
Subsequent to this we did some research on programs which would improve her spelling, reading skills and assist with memory retention. We believed that addressing these areas would improve Hannah’s self-confidence. After an assessment at Edublox we were comfortable to enrol Hannah at Edublox Glen Marias from 1 August 2017. Their program suited Hannah’s needs.
Areas of noticeable improvement
We were informed by Alison at Edublox that it would take approximately six months before a visible improvement would be noticed. Hannah attends two one and a half hour classes a week. Almost immediately we noticed a change in her confidence. When term 3 started in September her teacher noticed an improvement in Hannah’s confidence levels and an improvement in reading and spelling skills.
Her reading has become more fluent and spelling improved significantly. She is now able to spell complex words which she battled with before even after studying the words. Hannah now enjoys reading and reads more than she did previously. She reads more because she wants to not because she has to. We believe this is because it has become easier for her to read.
Hannah’s teacher has commented on the fact that she participates a lot more in class. Hannah’s Occupational therapist has noticed a significant improvement. Hannah has been attending OT since January 2017.
Difficulties still experienced
Although Hannah’s spelling has improved there is still room for improvement. Hannah’s writing speed requires improvement.
Eamon and Nicole Whyte
6 November 2017
Hannah’s teacher wrote:
Hannah’s confidence in her abilities has grown. She is more eager and determined when completing different activities this term.
Hannah’s reading has improved, she is reading with increased fluency and expression. She is learning her weekly spelling and she is trying hard to apply her spelling rules and punctuation to her written work.
Hannah has an understanding of how to solve mathematical problems but sometimes she rushes through her work and makes careless errors.
Hannah’s ability to read time is developing steadily. She is able to read analogue and digital time.
Hannah has an understanding of calculations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. She must just guard against making calculation errors.
It has been very pleasing for me to witness the positive improvement in Hannah’s abilities this term.
Mrs Tamlyn Leal
Grade 3 Teacher