I Thought Kopano Would Never Be Able to Read

Kopano had difficulties with reading since starting grade 1. She could not get herself to even start engaging with the word. She started losing confidence and hated reading. I first enrolled her for afternoon sessions twice weekly at Edublox Durbanville in September 2017 and within 2 months she was showing an improvement that was not achieved in 6 months in her school. Her focus improved, she started enjoying reading and was trying out new words.

In January 2018 she was enrolled in the Edublox EASY programme. She repeated grade 1 on the recommendation of her mainstream teacher. However, she progressed so well during the first two terms, that she completed the requirements for grade 1 and caught up with grade 2 work and assessments as well! Where she was achieving 2’s and 3’s for English Home Language she now achieved 5’s and 6’s – a tremendous improvement. As a result, from the third term onward, she was able to move up to grade 2 fully. She was so proud of her achievements and really started believing that she could achieve well.

Apart from the marked improvement in her school work, I like the soft skills (e.g. leadership, people skills) that are also being shaped in a caring, safe learning environment. She is still improving her reading and it’s unbelievable each time I see her read because I thought she would never be able to read. In the last few months, particularly, I have noticed that she no longer required my help to read from the Kid’s Bible. She now loves reading independently.

After seeing the improvements with my daughter, I remembered that my friend’s son is also having difficulties in learning and has been undergoing occupational therapy etc. I suggested that she take him to Edublox for an assessment (in another city), and what I said to her is what I can say to other parents: giving our kids a solid basic foundation is the best gift we can give them, especially if they are having learning challenges. If they lose the confidence and interest now, it can have a life-long impact. My friend’s son is also currently enrolled at Edublox.

Elsie Seane

Kopano fails Grade 1:

She catches up:

Kopano’s Edublox Development Report:

Elsie Seane Kopano's Mother

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