Sabrina Peleias started attending Edublox in the middle of 2015. At the time she was experiencing difficulty at school, as she simply could not read. Edublox examined her and gave us the news that she in fact had severe dyslexia and was three years behind in comprehension and reading.
The challenge was to correct the dyslexia and to bring her up to grade level; I can validate that to catch up three years is no easy feat. Edublox and Sabrina worked very hard to improve her difficulties.
The process began with Sabrina hating school and failing term 1/term 2 and hopelessly scraping through term 3. I had to make a conscious decision to keep her back in Grade 2 at the end of last year as I felt she has very difficult year, even though she was begging to cope I was worried that Grade 3 would be too much pressure and that she would be stuck in the same situation.
When school year started 2016 Sabrina went back to Grade 2 and at first I was not sure I had made the right decision, however three days later I saw my daughter gleaming with joy — she was so happy because she was now the smarty pants in class. Edublox has helped Sabrina from failing hopelessly and hating school, to being one of the top students in her class and absolutely loving school and looking forward to every next day.
In conclusion Edublox has helped my child immensely in every aspect of reading and comprehension. I am happy that I found Edublox and go as far as recommending them to anyone I know.
This program is a process which helps with progress and is not an overnight miracle pill, but hard work between child and the educators and in a few short months you will be surprised with your child progress.
Mrs. Peleias
Sabrina’s 2015 report, term 1 and 2:
An example of Sabrina’s schoolwork — this took one hour to complete:
Sabrina’s 2016 report, terms 1-3: