Handwriting Improved Literally Overnight

USA flagFrom: Beth
To: Susan du Plessis
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2013 4:26 AM
Subject: Re: Audiblox

Dear Susan,

We have finished the first two weeks of Audiblox (5 sessions/week, 45 min/session) and I wanted to share the following things with you:

1. My daughter has improved in all areas of the dyslexia program and can sequence up to 15 blocks already. She has much more trouble with the pattern exercises but still has improved quite a bit in 2 weeks.

2. She has started as of yesterday carrying around a book to read everywhere she goes, where before reading was only at bedtime and only because I made her. Today she announced that she wants to start a reading group. This is literally unheard of behavior from her prior to Audiblox.

3. Her handwriting seems to have improved literally overnight. I’ve never seen her write even close to neatly before.

4. She can, as of this week, do multiplication and addition sums in her head that she used to have to count on her fingers.

5. Here is the biggest thing — I gave her timed reading fluency tests using an iPad app. She completed a phonics program so she can read close to her 4th grade reading level but soooo s-l-o-w-l-y. Last week: 54 wpm. This week: 65 wpm — a 20% increase in reading speed in one week!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, those extra exclamation points are totally warranted!

We are both thrilled, thrilled, thrilled. My son was reluctant to begin with this program, but now sees the value and is eager to do it.

You will hear more as the weeks go on, but I never expected such striking results in so short a time.

There are no words sufficient to thank someone for freeing their child’s mind, but nevertheless, I thank you for your product!

Kind regards,

Beth Parent in Fullerton, CA

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