From Struggling to Read to Studying Independently

  • Mianke couldn’t read or work independently by the end of Grade 3.
  • “I was desperate to seek help. I enrolled her in a new reading program and prayed that there would be an improvement. She attended the classes twice a week for nine months, but I was not confident that she was benefiting from these classes,” tells her mom.
  • After enrolling Mianke in the Edublox program, focusing first on Afrikaans and then on English, Mianke started excelling in school and now studies independently.

Mianke’s mom tells her story:

Mianke has always been a busybody, running, playing, talking very loudly and with that, trying to say 1000 words in 5 seconds. Mianke was and is still a very bubbly girl that loves making conversation — definitely an extrovert!

When she started school, Grades 1 and 2 went well, but we noticed that she had a lazy eye and arranged for treatment. The therapist suggested that she attend extra reading classes. She attended this class twice a week for just over two years.

In 2020, Mianke was Grade 3, and the year started great, but then COVID-19 hit. As I attempted to work from home while homeschooling my two children, I increasingly realised that Mianke’s reading problems were more of an issue than I could ever have imagined. At times, she would read, and I would feel confident that she was doing well. The next day, she would read and spell each letter slowly, never saying the words aloud. Extra reading at home became a nightmare. She always fought not to read, telling me she couldn’t read out loud, she could only read quietly.

The schools continued to open and close frequently due to the COVID situation. I had to return to work permanently, so I had to leave the kids at home, where they had to take responsibility for doing schoolwork without any guidance during the day.

When it was time to collect the report cards by the end of the third term, Mianke’s teacher called me in to discuss her reading challenges and concentration in the classroom. I explained that we have been taking her to extra reading classes and trying everything at home to encourage her to enjoy reading.

At this stage, I was desperate to seek help. I enrolled her in a new reading program and prayed that there would be an improvement. She attended the classes twice a week for nine months, but  I was not confident that she was benefitting from these classes.

I started searching the Internet for more intensive programs that could help her. I also longed for someone to give her the attention she needed. I ended up finding an excellent recommendation for Edublox. I immediately contacted the branch in our area to make an appointment for an evaluation. The tutor was very caring, friendly and understanding, but the results did not look good. Mianke, at age 10, was reading like a six-year-old.

Mianke enrolled in the Afrikaans Edublox program in August 2021. Slowly, we started seeing a difference in her confidence and ability to read to us in the afternoons. Her marks started improving, and for the first time, she was excited to read.

Independent studying was never an option for Mianke, she always sought assistance. She was a great listener, always recalling verbally, but she found it difficult to record the answers on paper.

Entering Grade 5 would become harder and even more of a challenge since she was now in a more senior phase of primary school. Mianke attended the study method program at Edublox to assist her in finding the easiest and most efficient method for her to study independently. This made a huge difference. Now, in Grade 7, I don’t need to remind her of the upcoming exams. One Friday evening, I went searching for her as I hadn’t heard from her in a while and found her in her room, busy summarising for the November exams.

Her Afrikaans improved so much, and we could not have been more proud of her. In 2023, we realised that we had been focused on Afrikaans as the first language for so long that we neglected English as the second language. I discussed this with her Edublox tutor, and we decided to move her to the English classes. She gradually picked up on English, and her marks improved.

Mianke’s self-esteem, confidence, and positivity have grown exceptionally well in the past four years since she started the Edublox journey, and we could not be more proud of her as a young lady who will start high school next year. Working and studying independently, loving the challenge of doing her best, is what keeps her going. Three hours per week changed her life for the good.

As parents, we are also proud to mention that Mianke has been selected for the past two years to submit her books to be audited by the department. We are very proud of the respect and pride she has shown in her work.

Mianke’s excellent school report

Thank you, Edublox, for creating this program to enhance children with learning and reading disabilities. None of these achievements could have been accomplished without meeting Tutor Janine. She has always believed in Mianke’s capabilities and worked non-stop to help her achieve her goals. Always reaching out to give more assistance, to book extra classes when help was needed and give emotional support to us through any situation. We love you for this, Janine. Thank you for loving my child as if she is your own.  You’ve played the biggest role in Mianke’s success story.

To other parents in a similar situation, I encourage you to take this step. Every minute and cent I spent was worth it. You will not make a mistake if you choose to walk this path and put your child’s faith in the hands of Edublox.

Sherise Maree

Watch as Mianke shares some of her story.

*Mianke attended Edublox Rustenburg

Sherise Maree Mianke's Mom

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