From Struggling at a Remedial School to Mainstream Achiever

Zoe Oliver

In September 2012 (Grade 3) Zoe was in her second year of remedial school, and we have tried various different courses and programs outside of the different programs offered at the remedial school, but Zoe still did not seem to be progressing. After doing some research I came across Edublox, I phoned Marj and she offered to assess Zoe. The assessment showed that Zoe had directionality confusion with left and right and reversals with p and q. Her form perception was 38%, her visual memory assessment was 67% and her auditory memory assessment percentage was 44%.

Zoe started lessons with Marj at the end of September 2012. At the end of Grade 3 the remedial school recommended that Zoe do a third year, however we were reluctant because she would be going into Grade 4 and it is a big jump from Grade 3 ― the longer you stay out of mainstream the harder it is to return. I chatted to Marj and she reassured us that Zoe would cope back at mainstream.

Zoe went back to mainstream in Grade 4, at the beginning of 2013. In April 2013 Marj reassessed Zoe and her marks had improved dramatically. Her form perception had gone from 38% to 97%, her visual memory had gone from 67% to 88% and her auditory memory had gone from 44% to 92%. Her report from school at the end of Grade 3 was not very good with Zoe scoring mainly 3 out of 7 for all subjects. However, her report from mainstream at the end of Grade 4 was much better with Zoe scoring mainly 5, one or two 4’s and even a few 6’s out of 7.

During Grade 4 Zoe also received two weekly achiever awards for trying so hard to improve her classwork. She also received a bronze certificate for obtaining 10 merits.

Thanks to Edublox Zoe has improved so much in every area. Zoe will continue with Edublox so that she can continue to improve and reach her full potential.

Thank you
Jillian and Mark Oliver

Jillian and Mark Oliver Zoe's parents

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