What was Khikhi struggling with before she started with Edublox?
Khikhi was overwhelmed and appeared to be disengaged with maths, reading and spelling and when this became a pattern, we decided to look for a solution.
Why did you decide on Edublox, specifically?
Edublox provides a specific teaching method — they firstly do an evaluation on the child to be able to design or recommend a programme, which addresses the specific needs of the learner.
In what respects have you noticed improvement?
We have noticed improvement in her spelling; she now mostly obtains full marks, she is able to read a book without any assistance, she is able to complete her own homework and interprets the word sums without any assistance.
Her English marks improved significantly to an average of 95%. Most importantly, her confidence has increased, she participated in Eisteddfod for the first time this year and got a mark of above 90% for her performance.
Why would you recommend Edublox to other parents?
Edublox provides adaptable programmes which address the needs of a child, and therefore lays a foundation which a child can easily build on as their academic years progress.
Mpho Pearl Sehlako
Khikhi’s most recent report card