Excelling in All Subjects

What was Khikhi struggling with before she started with Edublox?

Khikhi was overwhelmed and appeared to be disengaged with maths, reading and spelling and when this became a pattern, we decided to look for a solution.

Why did you decide on Edublox, specifically?

Edublox provides a specific teaching method — they firstly do an evaluation on the child to be able to design or recommend a programme, which addresses the specific needs of the learner.

In what respects have you noticed improvement?

We have noticed improvement in her spelling; she now mostly obtains full marks, she is able to read a book without any assistance, she is able to complete her own homework and interprets the word sums without any assistance.

Her English marks improved significantly to an average of 95%.  Most importantly, her confidence has increased, she participated in Eisteddfod for the first time this year and got a mark of above 90% for her performance.

Why would you recommend Edublox to other parents?

Edublox provides adaptable programmes which address the needs of a child, and therefore lays a foundation which a child can easily build on as their academic years progress.

Mpho Pearl Sehlako

Khikhi’s most recent report card 


Mpho Pearl Sehlako Khikhi’s Mother

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