Dear Zainu
Emaan joined Edublox in 2015. We were concerned with Emaan showing symptoms of attention deficit as well as hyperactivity. We thought that this had an impact on her ability to concentrate and focus at school. Her teacher informed us that she needed extra academic support in 2013, as Emaan was showing signs of reading and memory difficulties in Gr 2. She was assessed by a paediatric development specialist and was diagnosed with ADHD.
In 2014, Emaan continued with academic support at school and was also now prescribed Ritalin, and this had improved her academic performance. Her teacher informed us that, despite Emaan improving, she was still challenged with reading and her ability to recall information. Emaan was also going to be discontinued in the school support program as other children needed the support as well.
We knew she would need ongoing support and training if we wanted her to improve academically. At this stage Emaan was also teary most days. She had low self-esteem and was withdrawing socially. Her specialist encouraged a support group.
Her Edublox assessment indicated her need for tutoring and development of her memory and reading skills. Her foundational skills were below 70%.
After nine months of sessions with Edublox, Emaan has transformed into a confident, strong-willed little girl. Not only has she improved to hold herself academically, but her personality has changed for the positive as well.
She is now able to do her homework on her own. Her reading has improved and in fact, she was the narrator at her school’s concert this year. Her ability to study, retain and tell you what she’s learnt has improved tenfold. Her comprehension has improved as well and she is able to, with confidence, have a conversation and also participate in conversations.
Emaan now has good self-esteem and has developed into a merry and chatty little young girl.
Just before her final exam this year, she told me she wanted to stop her Ritalin. I was a bit sceptical as she was due to her final exam. I trusted her confidence that she said she could cope without it. She managed to get through her final exam without the aid of her medication and produced exceptional results. Her teacher was not made aware of this and to date has not mentioned any change in Emaan since off her Ritalin. So we are going to keep her off it in the new year as well and see how she manages.
Though Emaan has showed remarkable improvement, she needs to continue with the support that she is getting to strengthen her foundational skills.
Zurayda Maneveld
Cape Town