English Mark Rapidly Improved

OwenReason for enrolment

After noticing that Owen was struggling with both English and Afrikaans he underwent various professional assessments only to be diagnosed with both ADHD and mild dyslexia. I was hopeful that Edublox would assist him in overcoming these learning challenges and reaching his full potential by improving his concentration and equipping him with ways to improve his reading, comprehension and spelling.

Improvement since enrolment

After starting Edublox at the end of the first term, Owen’s English mark rapidly improved from 67% in term 1, to 75% in term 2 and 83% in term 3 — an outstanding achievement! Edublox has equipped Owen with the resources he needs to tap into and demonstrate his true ability. Owen’s Afrikaans mark also improved from a D to a C.

There has been an improvement in Owen’s reading and his attitude to reading has been transformed. Before starting Edublox, reading was a chore which he avoided at all cost. Now Owen takes books with him to school every day, reading them in his leisure time. I am confident this new-found love of reading will be key in helping him reach his academic potential.

Nadine Pace

Nadine Pace Owen's mother

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