EASY is currently offered at 11 Edublox clinics to approximately 100 learners. We present tutoring of IMPAK’s curriculum combined with 200 hours of brain training per year, as well as 100 hours of reading, spelling and comprehension activities. Our specialised and personalised services are suitable for Grade 1 – 7 learners with learning challenges, with the aim of helping them get back on track academically:
From: Abigail de Robillard [mailto:abiant@vi…]
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 11:31 AM
To: ‘Marj Edublox’
Subject: Xavier de Robillard
Dear Marj,
Our journey through the educational system has been a long and very difficult one. Then, one day by God’s grace, we arrived at the door of your learning clinic where you smiled and welcomed us in with open and loving arms.
Words fail me when I try to thank yourself, “Mr A” and “Aunty Tammy” for what you have done for Xavier. We joined your EASY programme at the beginning of the 3rd term of Grade 3 with our diagnosis: Xav had a good dose of dyslexia, an amazingly good dose of Attention Deficit Disorder and to round it off Auditory Processing Disorder. Any one of these three learning barriers make survival in the classroom (both mainstream and remedial) virtually impossible. Of course, they say that ADD is easily treated with medication. This definitely wasn’t so easy for us and despite my extreme aversion to the medication, I felt that I needed to try it and at least take away one of Xav’s barriers, thereby allowing him to focus long enough to actually “fix” the others!!
Well, these meds did not agree with Xav on any level, and despite allowing him to concentrate, the side effects were too strong to be able to continue. We found ourselves in a system that is neither recognising nor treating dyslexia, while encouraging medication. Xav was being eroded slowly but surely, and my zesty, zooty boy was getting more and more withdrawn, miserable and anxious. His great tenacity got him up every morning to struggle through yet another day at school.
And then, like an oasis in the desert (right next to Woolies), was Edublox. After one short term under your beautiful care, Xav is back!!! His zest for life has returned and he is the happy and awesome busy little guy we know. Firstly, thank you Marj, Dil and Tams for getting Xav’s self-esteem and self-confidence back – he is no longer anxious and now loves school. Your quiet reassurance every day tells him that he is OK and gives him the courage to try. Under your amazing tutoring he is managing his school work just fine. Every day he is being trained on your cognitive development programme and the results are astounding. Xav’s reading has improved sooooo much and not just that, you have somehow managed to instil a love for reading and books in him!!
Xav’s spelling too has improved and I think I am going to miss the quirks of dyslexia like this morning, when Xav asked for egg on low IG bread. Xav’s concentration too has improved so much, and how amazing it is to watch him sit and work.
Marj, you told me when I first came to you that of course you could help Xav, and that it was great that he was off meds as your cognitive development programme would address it all. I was concerned about his restless sleeping, and you once again calmly assured me that that too, would settle. Well, it has – Xav’s duvet was mostly always on the floor in the mornings, his sheet popped off, but now when we go to wake him, I don’t think he has moved all night!! You also said it was hard work and that the brain takes time to form new pathways, but that when they do, it’s permanent. It has been a long and hard fight, but now I have my child in a place that recognises his problems, acknowledges them and fixes them.
Dyslexia is not a gift, it’s a learning barrier and thanks to Edublox, Marj, Dil and Tams, I truly believe that through hard work, they will break these barriers and allow Xav to harness all his real gifts, talents and abilities to be all that he can be, and above all, happy. How wonderful to do all this and still have time to play and just be a child!!
Lots of love,
Abigail and Anthony